Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to My Sister :)

When I woke up, I was sitting in a chair. Not just any chair, but a chair made of bones. I screamed and tried to get up but I couldn't. I was invisibly bound to the chair. I looked around. I was still in the large room. The woman noticed I was awake and walked over to me.

She had long brown curly hair, and was wearing a dark purple gown. She was absolutely beautiful. She was Persephone. She bent down near my chair. I noticed she had tears in her eyes. 

"Is Melina and Josh ok?" I said, my voice was hoarse. 

"My sibling is fine,  but I cannot say the same for yours. I'm sorry." she said, her voice was soft yet powerful. I didn't know what she meant by my sibling and before I could ask the tall man and Phoenix barged into the room. Phoenix had a bruise on his forehead. I wanted to go up and make sure he was ok but again I couldn't because of the chair.

"It's up." the man said. Hades He had a black suit on, and had short blond hair, carrying a long golden staff. Not something I imagined for the god of death. 

"Phoenix. Phoenix. What's going on?" I coughed. Hade's looked at his son with a look of disgust.

"You didn't tell the brat?" he yelled. Persephone jumped.

"I'm, I'm sorry father." whispered Phoenix with his head down. 

"Well you better tell her!" he scoffed.

Phoenix walked over to me slowly. "I'm not the son of Ares as you can probably tell. My father is Hades. I had already met him a couple years ago. Let's just say I didn't impress him at first."

"You got that right!" Hades said with a harsh tone. 

Phoenix closed his fiery eyes and continued. "I didn't know what to do, until my father came forward with an idea a couple months ago. I was already with Melina and looking for a quest. Persephone, had, umm, well, cheated on him during the summer."

 Persephone started crying silently. "With who?" I asked quietly. 

It wasn't as quiet as I had hoped. "WITH YOUR IDIOT FATHER!" roared Hades. I gasped and shrank a little. Phoenix cringed. Persephone cried louder and fell to the floor.

"So he had the idea of bringing one of me bringing Apollo's children to him. And he would, he would..." choked Phoenix.

"He would what?" I whispered tears forming in my mind. Was he gonna kill me? Rape me?

"Torture you. So Apollo could see the pain that he had brought to Hades." 

I started crying. How could Phoenix do this to me? He tricked me. I looked at him with disgust. He was crying too. But instead of fire which I thought would be his tears, they were just regular tears. It made me feel worse. 

"And, and I knew when we found Josh, that he was Apollo's kid." His voice cracked, he was crying harder now. "Then I found you, and it was icing on the cake. Two for the price of one."

He was going to bring Josh here for Hades to torture? He was just a little kid! 

"How-how could you?" I hissed. Phoenix dropped to the floor.

"I'm so sorry. So sorry." he said in between sobs. Hades strode over to us. A smile on his ghastly face.

"Why are you sorry boy? You may have lost one of them by a stupid mistake but you brought me one! Apollo will know that he shouldn't have messed with my wife." He bent down near Phoenix and picked him up by his chin. "You, my son, are my favorite." Then he dropped him. Phoenix scrambled away from him. 

"Both of you get out. I need to be alone with this one for a while." he said with a creepy smile. 

I screamed, "Please Phoenix! Don't leave me! Please! I forgive you! Please!" 

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