The Accident

285 61 71

Kyla's POV
Her picture is above

I've always wondered what would it be like if my mother was still alive right now. She died from cancer when I was 15 years old.

Since that day, I have learned to live alone. Just imagine, a girl living alone in a small house far from the city.

My father left us two years after I was born. I don't know exactly why he left us. I don't remember what he looked like. I don't even have a photo of him. My mum burnt all of his photos right after he left us. But, I really wish that he would be here. I really want to get to know him.

I rely on my crops to get money. I received them every time I sell my crops to the market. I need to find another job. I've tried looking for jobs in the city, but they didn't want me.

I stare out the window, thinking about how I can face these problems.

The clouds were thick and dark. It's going to rain soon. I decided to go back to my room-the room I used to share with my mother and climb into bed. The room is not big, but not too small either. It's a room with an old bed, a nightstand and a mirror that is hung on the wall. Nothing more.

I looked at my window beside the bed, the moon was as bright as a flaming torch. I remember back then when I was a child, my mother would tell me a story of Beauty and the Beast before I go to sleep. I couldn't help but cry every time the flashback starts. I miss her.

Cold water started to seep through the window frames and ceiling, rotten and blistered. I grabbed a bucket from the kitchen and put it underneath the water drops from the ceiling. My eyes were getting tired. Icy and bitter wind whirled around my body. I got into bed and held the cover closely. I closed my eyes and the sound of the water dripping started to faint. Soon, I drifted to sleep.

-The next day-

I woke up with a light headache and an exhausted feeling. I forgot to close the curtains last night. The sun shines directly into my eyes. I groaned lightly, trying to cover my eyes. Ugh, I hate my life. The windows were gaping holes for the wind to rush in and out through. I quickly got up from my bed. I took a cold shower and got dressed. I walked to my mirror and sighed. I'm currently wearing a plain white shirt and jeans.

I gathered all my harvested crops and put it in a basket. I've got no time to have breakfast because work comes first. I just hope I can make great sales today. I quickly grab my sandals and wear it.

The way to the city is extremely far and I need to be there as fast as I can. The sun shines so bright that it hurts my eyes and sweat starts trickling down my face. I was in the middle of walking when I see a truck passing by and it looks like it's heading to the city. I waved my hand hoping that it would stop and whoever the driver is, will give me a ride to the city.

Finally it stopped! The driver rolled down the window and exposed himself with a big grin on his face.

"Hey sir, are you heading to the city?" I asked.
"Well, yes, young lady. You need a ride? Come and get in!" He said.
"Thank you so much, sir!"

Thank God. It's so hard to find nice people these days.

I quickly hopped into the truck and sat in the passenger seat. I put the basket on my lap. The long drive to the city was silent but it wasn't awkward at all. I almost sleep a couple of times.

"What are you going to do in the city, young lady? Where are you going? Do you know how far the distance is from the village to the city? Why were you walking? " He finally broke the silence.

"Err, well, I wanted to sell my crops at the market." That's all I can manage to say. He just smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

Not long after that, we finally reached our destination. The tall buildings of the city came into sight first. The driver stopped the truck at the side of the road. The market is across the road. I hopped down the truck and thanked him. He waved goodbye before he drove away.

The city is full of buildings, skyscrapers. It's beautiful.

Mommy! One day, I want to work in that high building and get a lot of money for us! We can buy lots of candies!

I needed to hurry. I needed to sell all of my crops as soon as possible or else it will wither and nobody will buy it. My hand felt tired of holding the heavy basket, so I put it down for a while. I was waiting for the green light to show the walking signal. As soon as the green light appeared, I quickly grabbed my basket and started to walk.

Today, the city isn't as crowded as it usually is, but there are some people walking along the streets and cars passing by.

I was about midway crossing the road when I felt a big heap of metal hitting me at high speed. My basket, which was filled with my harvested crops, was thrown meters away. I fell onto the rough road. My head hit the pavement, black dots clouding my vision. All I could feel was the pounding in my head and pain on my side. My shirt was soaking wet. Is it blood? I couldn't move a single muscle without feeling hurt.

My eyes started to feel heavy, but I won't let the darkness consumed me. Tears slid down on my face.

I can't handle the pain.

I could feel so many presence towering me, but, I couldn't see or hear the voices in the background clearly. I could feel someone was holding me. My vision started to become blurry. The pain. I knew I couldn't take it anymore and soon I let myself engulfed by darkness.

The strongest drug that exists for a human is another human being

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