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Kyla's POV
Picture of Eddie is above
(Cole's father)

My eyes widened and I froze when I saw the person who caught me. It was Mason.

"M-m-mason?" I stuttered. What should I do now? I wanted to run away, but one of his hands gripped me tightly. I swallowed hard as I struggle to get out of his firm grip.

"Why are you out here?" He asked, clenching his chiseled jaw.

I refused to answer him. I quickly averted my eyes to the floor.

He immediately took his phone out of his pocket with his other hand while I struggled to escape. He dialed someone and brought his phone up to his ear. "Alpha! Alpha! You'd better come now. She's trying to escape!"

I didn't know who's on the other line. I could vaguely hear what he said. Alpha? Who's alpha? He finally let go of my hand. It hurts a bit, but I quickly covered my pained expression before he notices.

"Why are you out here?" He said once again dead serious. His tone sent shivers through my body. He stared back down at me with his furious eyes. His eyes seemed so black.

"Umm.. I-I need some fresh air," I lied. "Did you bring me food?" I quickly questioned him. I admit, I was lame on changing topics. I kept my head down, avoiding eye contacts with him. He scoffed.

"Liar," he murmured lowly, but I heard him.

"Here." He showed me a plastic of Chinese food.

He's so fast...

"I left only for 15 minutes and you took the opportunity to escape." He looked angry.

"I-I'm sorry." I whispered while staring down at my feet.

"Why are you trying to escape?" He said calmly and eerily.

"I-I don't want to be here. Besides, I can't afford the hospital bills," I explained lowly, trying to add some hint of closure in my voice. We simply stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

Flashbacks of my mother when she was sick starts. The last time I went to the hospital is when my mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer. I was struggling to balance my time for work and supporting her. I remember that I really hate the Iodoform smell of the hospital -- until now.

He quickly broke the silence. "You're still sick. Your body needs rest. All of the bruises and cuts are still healing. At least stay for one more day. You don't have to worry about the bills." He sighed deeply. His eyes seem to soften a bit.

"No. I can't stay. I-I.."

All of a sudden, he just grabbed my hand and lead me to the hallway back to my room. My gaze dropped to the floor in defeat. I let him lead the way.

Mason opened the door for me and I went inside. I hopped into bed, seating crossed-legs. He followed me inside and gave the food to me.

"Now eat, Kyla." He said sternly.

He sat down on the chair next to me and I mouthed him a thank you. I opened the food package and the steam rises up. It smells amazing! I didn't know that I was this hungry. I quickly dug into the food.

I was in the middle of eating when I heard someone just barged into the room. I stopped chewing my food and looked up. I saw Cole looking furious and a doctor along with nurses behind him. His hair was so messy, but in a sexy kind of way. His eyes were pitch black. He calms down a bit when he saw me.

"Mason, you may leave," He said. I feel like his voice holds so much authority. "And thank you for taking care of her while I was gone."

Mason nodded and quickly got up from his seat.

"Take care, Kyla." He shoved his hands in his pocket and left. I just sat on the bed, watching him left the room. I put my leftovers on the side table. Cole's eyes turned back to me. I gulped. Why would he be mad at me? I have the right to leave whenever I want to.

The doctor and nurses checked my condition and injected me with something. They attached the wires back at me and I whimpered. They ran a few tests on me -- checked on my heart rate, and so on. After they finished, they went outside with Cole. I didn't know what they were talking about, but soon Cole went back into my room. He looked at me while rubbing the back of his head.

"You don't have to worry. There's nothing too serious, but you have some fractured ribs. It still needs time to heal," He said.

"So, can I leave now?" I asked him with pleading eyes.

"If you want to leave, fine, but you need to stay here for at least one more day. Tomorrow, you can go home. Just stay here for tonight. You're still not fully healed and I'm the one who responsible. The doctors can monitor your condition here, so I suggest you to stay," he explained while walking closer to me. "If you need anything, you can call me." He looked at me and gave me his business card.

"Alright. Thank you, but I don't have a phone. So, you can keep it to yourself," I said lowly.

He seemed a little bit surprised and flustered. His eyes widened. "Your name is Kyla right? Get some rest," He said once again while taking a seat on the chair near me. He smiled at me while stroking my hair. He gave me goosebumps and butterflies in my stomach. I was hypnotized by the mellow tone of his voice.

Why do I get this feeling?

"U-u-um no--yes. I mean... yes and by the way, thank you Cole," I replied. Ugh! I can't even get my words right.

He chuckled, showing his perfectly white, straight teeth. "Well, I'm going to leave soon. Don't go anywhere. I'll be back tomorrow," he said while smiling at me and giving my hand a tight squeeze.

I lay down on my bed and close my eyes. The loud sound of the machine started to faint. I could feel someone kissed my forehead and whispered I'm sorry. But, I guess I was delirious and it was all just in my head. Soon my body gave up and I drifted to sleep.

"I love our story. Sure it's messy, but it's the story that got us here"
                    - How I Met Your Mother

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