Her Identity- Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfic, so I hope u all like it! ( PS I am probably really bad at writing) I do not own any of the Miraculous Ladybug characters. All the Fanart I post on here are drawn by me, unless specified. Thanks for reading!

Chat stared at his lady, mesmerized by her beauty. Her hair blew into her face as the wind whipped it around, locks of raven black hair coming loose. He could see her radiant blue-bell eyes shining through the glittering sunset behind her. And then her giggle- oh! It felt he was floating straight towards heaven. Suddenly, his eyes flew down to her soft pink lips, and a sense of longing filled him. Chat knew his far-fetched fantasy would never come true, but, he just couldn't keep his eyes away. Oh, and I couldn't forget about the way she-

"CHAT?! Can you hear me?" she said, shaking him out of his trance.

"Wha-" he said, suddenly becoming aware of his surroundings.

"Why were you staring at me like that?" She said, a perplexed expression I couldn't quite read written across her face.

"OH UM... Sorry?" He stammered, blushing a bright red. Ladybug laughed. Oh, and that sound again.

"Silly Kitty," she said softly, scratching his head. As if he could've gotten any redder, his faced turned about 30 shades darker. Suddenly, Ladybug's Miraculous beeped, signaling that she was going to change back soon. "Well, gotta go Chat." Just as she was about to swing away, Chat interrupted her.

" M'lady! Wait! I mean, do you think we could reveal our identities one day?" Ladybug thought for a second, then half smiled.
"Maybe." she looked down. "One day." And with that, she swung off into the sunset, down an ally, leaving Chat alone with his pounding heart.


"I asked for a 23 carat gold necklace not 14! UGH, IDIOTS." Chloe snapped as she hung up on her phone. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me?" As she put her phone away, something red and black caught her eye. "Hmm?" She followed the flash of colors to a dark alley. She gasped. "La-" Chloe was cut off as a flash of pink blinded her. Suddenly, no one other than Marinette Dupain- Cheng stood before her. Blinking to make sure she wasn't seeing things, Chloe just stared at Marinette. "Marinette Dupain - Lame is LADYBUG?!" She squealed. Suddenly, Marinette turned around to look at a stunned Chloe.

"Oh no.." Marinette muttered. "This is VERY bad..."

Welp, that was the first chapter. I know it was really short, but I promise they will get longer. Till next time!
And a special thx to my editor StarSist and ThatOnecrazyperson15

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