Whoops?- Chapter 2

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(Marinette's POV)

So, that happened. We just stared at each other for a few moments, and all I could hear was my heart beat pounding in my ears. "Uh... surprise?" I shrugged, my voice squeaking awkwardly. And then, of course, Chloe flew into a breakdown.

"WHAT?! THIS CANT BE!" she shrieked. I was kind of relieved that no one was here to witness this; I was sure everyone would be staring at us. "HOW CAN YOU BE LADYBUG?! I DESERVE TO BE LADYBUG!" Chloe dramatically fell to the floor like a drama queen- oh wait, who am I kidding, she is one- and pretended to sob. "DADDY!" I rolled my eyes.

"Chloe, you can't get everything you want by being mean! That is not how things work!"

"I'm not MEAN!" she snapped. "Everybody adores me! You said it yourself." I think back to when I was battling the Evillustrator, and I sarcastically- keyword there- called her adorable.

"Ugh..." I sighed. 

"But..." Chloe said as she calmed down. I perked up. "I'm still your #1 fan." I was completely shocked to say the least, but glad at the same time. I offered Chloe a smile.

"Um, thanks?" I held out my had, and Chloe took it as I pulled her off the floor. 

"Ugh! There's dirt all over my jacket!" She shrieked, and started to dust herself off. Well, I totally wasn't expecting THAT.


Chloe called a limo to her exact location, and I start my walk home. I really couldn't believe she still likes me, but I wasn't complaining. A thought crosses my mind- Should I tell Chat that Chloe knows my identity? Yes, I tell myself, I should. But would he be angry that Chloe knew, of all people, and him, the person I trusted the most, didn't? Suddenly, guilt overwhelms me. But I still can't show him my identity; I tell myself it's because of the dangers, but I know that it's really because I'm scared he would be disappointed- so disappointed- that I was just a baker's daughter. Nothing extraordinary. Tikki keeps telling me not to doubt myself but- "WAHHHH!" I scream. Suddenly, my feet trip and I fall on the hard concrete. 

"Oh god, are you okay?" a male voice says.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry, I really used to tripping and faaaaa-" I was cut off as I stared at the voice's face.

"Are you sure?" I think someone is talking to me, but the only thing I hear is my heartbeat. Blonde hair, deep green eyes, that perfect smile- "Uhhh, Marinette?" his eyes shift to a look of worry. Suddenly, I realize I've been staring too long. 

"AAGGHHH-oh HI A-ADRIEN!" I say perhaps a little too forcefully. He raises an eyebrow and chuckles. All at once, I feel aware of my surroundings, and I feel a sting on my cheek. Wincing, I reach up to touch it.

"Marinette! You're bleeding!" Adrien exclaims, coming closer to inspect the scratch. My cheeks flare red, and I am barely able to comprehend the situation.

"NO! I mean uh- no, it's A-Adrien fine NO! I meant- uh- it's fine! I'm fine! Not that you're not fine! Nonono that is not what I meant to say!" What is coming out of my mouth?!

"Are you sure?" he says, looking concerned. I take out a tissue from my purse and wipe of the blood.

"S-see? It's j-just a scratch!" I smile cheerfully. Adrien smiles again, taking my breath away.

"Okay then. See you at school Marinette!" he waves, leaving. I sigh, mentally face-palm myself. I just embarrassed myself in front of my crush again! 

In a few minutes, I arrive at the bakery and climb the stairs to my room. Getting the first aid bin, I drag an alcohol wipe across my cut, wincing at the stinging sensation. Then I take a band aid and put it over my cheek so it doesn't get infected. Satisfied with my work, I plop onto my desk chair and begin to design something in my sketch book. Soon, I fall asleep with the book draped across my face.

So yeah, I think that was longer. Anyways, I'll probably be updating most on the weekends, maybe once during the weekdays. Bug Out!

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