A Change- Chapter 5

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(Marinette POV) - check drawing above (it's Marinrtte's outfit)

I woke up on time today! Yes, on time, that's right. I spring out of bed with a bounce in my step and rush into the bathroom to shower. Next, I pick out an outfit from the huge pile Chloe and I bought yesterday. It consisted of a sea green top that hung below my shoulders, tucked into a pair of white, high- waisted shorts. In addition, I put my hair in a messy bun, and slip on a silver pair of kitten heels. I was ready for today!

"I am gonna conquer this day!" I say cheerfully, taking a bite out of my croissant.

"That's the spirit, Marinette!" Tikki says happily, munching on a cookie I gave her. After we both ate, I leisurley walk to school. As soon as I reach school grounds, someone flings themselves at my face and wraps their arms around my neck.


"WAAAHHHHFT!" I shriek, almost falling over. 

"I am like, SO glad you decided to wear the clothes I picked out for you! You look fabulous! " Chloe squealed.

"Oh well, thanks! I guess I do!"

"Obviously. I picked it out!" I roll my eyes. We walk into class, side by side. Alya gives me a look, but shrugs it off as I sit next to her.

"GIRL," she exclaims. "WHAT HAPPENED?"

"What do you mean?"


"Uh huh..." 


"Mmm..." I say, ticking the points off my fingers.


I laugh. "She's actually not that bad once you know her." Alya just stared at me.

"Girl, you are talking about the person who bullied and humiliated you for more than 2 years!"

"I know-" Wait, I can't tell her I'm Ladybug. "She just took a recent liking to me, I suppose."

"I love your outfit, Marinette!" A voice says. I turn around to find Rose.

"Thank you, Rose! That's very sweet of you!" I say.

"Woah, Mari, sick outfit!" Nino complements.

"Oh! Thanks!"

"Wow! Where did you get that!" Alix asks.

"Um-" I stammer, not knowing what to say. Soon, a crowd had formed around me and was buzzing with questions and complements. "Guys! Calm down!" I say. The only person who seems unfazed is Chloe. Then I see a certain green -eyed blonde boy walk in, and my heart pounds, threatening to burst out of my chest.


(Adrien POV)

My jaw drops to the floor as I gaze at Marinette. Heart pounding, I stare at her new outfit. I feel all the blood rush to my cheeks as a shade of pink dusts my them. "You look great Mari!" I smile.

"Eeeep! T-hank y-you!" She replies. She mirrors my blush, except her's is about 20 times darker. Suddenly, the bell rings.

"I expect full explanations later!" I hear Alya hiss to Marinette.


As I walk down the steps after school, I can't help but overhear Marinette and Alya's conversation.

"Hey!" Marinette greets, making her way over to Alya.

"Hey Marinette! I was wondering if you want to come by and -"

"MARI!" Chloe comes bolting down the steps and grabs Marinrtte's arm. "Let's go to my house and-" she glances at Alya. "Ugh, what are YOU doing here? Get lost." Suddenly, Marinette grows very tense, as if she was going to slap Chloe.

"Chloe!" Marinette scolds. "Alya is my best friend! Don't treat her like that!"

"Hmph, fine. But I'M your bestest friend, Lad-" Chloe is cut off as Marinette clamps her mouth shut.

"LADY WIFI?!" Marinette covers. "WHY WOULD YOU CALL HER THAT?" This conversation was getting confusing.

"I wasn't going to say- oh yes, I mean sorry?" Chloe said, as if she just realized what they were talking about.

"Sorry?" Alya raises an eyebrow. "You of all people would never say that," she scoffs. "What's going on Marinette?" Alya says, turning to her best friend.

"I can't tell you," Marinette replies softly, looking guilty.

"Fine, if you trust Chloe more than you best friend who's always been there for you, go ahead." She crossed her arms and walks away.

"Wait! I'm sorry Alya!" Marinette cries. She attempted to go after her, but Chloe pulls her away into her limo.

"We're still besties, right?" Chloe asks. Marinette just gives a sad sigh.

I wonder what that was about.

Ok, so I've been trying to make these longer, I'm aiming for about 1000 words a chapter but I'm building it up right now. And if you want to use any of my artwork plz ask me first. Anyways, plz comment, vote and share! Bug out!

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