Rescue- Chapter 8

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(Adrien POV)

"No, father..." I say, sighing. "I didn't sneak out last night."

"Then where were you? Nathalie told me you weren't in your room." Crap.

"Uhhh... I was in the bathroom."

"Nathalie checked in there too." he snaps firmly. He didn't even need to tell me I wasn't in there. I already knew I wasn't. That night, I was out on patrol with Ladybug. Quite a memorable one I should add- "Adrien! Answer me!" I snap out of my trance, realizing I had dazed off. I couldn't tell him I was Chat, I would never be able to transform again! Yes, I was just fighting crime and hanging out with Ladybug last night. Oh yes! Did I mention I was Chat Noir, her superhero partner? Nope, that was not happening.

"Fine... I snuck out because I wanted to take a walk. I came home after ten minutes, I swear."

"This is unacceptable. I will not tolerate sneaking out in the middle of the night or lying." I take a deep breathe, awaiting more yelling and promised punishments. " I will discuss this with you later." And with that, he hung up, leaving me confused. I put away my phone and continue to walk along the sidewalk. Suddenly, I hear a grunt of pain, and a shout coming from the alleyway. Curious, I go see what it is. Wait, what did I just step on? I almost gag when I see the substance. Blood.

"Hey! Who's there?!" I yell. Turning into the corner, I see a flash of white flats before the person is gone. "Huh?" Something - or rather someone, catches my attention on the floor. "Marinette?!" I yell, panicked. Bruises were scattered a cross her body, and a smear of blood followed the path where she was probably dragged. I bend down and try to get here attention. "Are you ok?!" Obviously not. What a stupid question to ask, Agreste. Instead of getting her attention, she rolls her head to the side and loses consciousness.  What was I going to do? Of course, I dial the 112 and soon, I hear an ambulance on its way. As they took her away, I whispered, "You'll be OK, Marinette.


(Marinette POV)

I wake up in a bed. Where am I? I try to recall what happened before I got here. Suddenly, my memories come flooding back like a dam just broke. Chloe backstabbed me. Was she jealous or something? I still couldn't understand why she did it. I try to sit up, but the scream of pain from my back prevents me from doing so. "I see you're awake, Ms. Dupain-Cheng," a nurse says. That's when I realize I'm in the hospital. "I will alert your parents that you have awaken."

"Thank you," I manage to croak out. The door slams open and my parents start running out.

"Sweetie, are you ok?!" My mom asks. My dad envelops me in a huge hug. Although it puts pressure on my wounds, I enjoy to warmth I feel from the hug.

"I'm fine, should be totally healed in a couple of weeks!" I say cheerfully. I hope.

"I'm so glad!" My mom says, hugging me gingerly after my dad let go. The nurse knocks on the door.

"There's another young man here to see you. He's the one who found and brought you here." Who could that be? A boy with blond hair and green eyes walks in.

"A-A-DRIEN?!" I squeak.

"Hey Marinette," he replies. His eyes look sad and worried. Maybe about me? I think hopefully. No, don't get your hopes up, I tell myself.

Meanwhile, my parents were silently fangirling in the background, so they slipped out of the room, unnoticed.

"T-h-anks for t-taking-g me here!" I say.

"No problem," he smiles. "Are you ok?" I freeze. He's asking me! What do I do?!

" Yes! I feel...fine!"

"I don't believe you," he replies, raising an eyebrow.

"No! Really..." I trail off. Was I ok?

"So... What's up?" Oh my god, I said a full sentence without stuttering!

"Well, since you asked, my father is really mad at me."

"Why?" I question.

"I... Kind of snuck out in the middle out the night."

"Wow, really?" I giggle. "What did you do?"

"Uhhh... I took a walk."

"That's nice." We both just sat in awkward silence, when I realize I just had a conversation with Adrien without stuttering. Suddenly, my face turns a bright shade of red.

"Uh, Marinette? Are you ok? You just turned really red."

"Oh, um yeah. T-totally. Just ya know, you're really hot." I say dreamily. Adrien raises an eyebrow.

"UH, NONONO! I MEANT YEAH, IT'S REALLY HOT IN HERE! LIKE WARM! Not that you're not hot..." I daze off again. "AGH! NO, WHAT AM I SAYING!" Adrien laughs awkwardly. I thought I would die of shame.

"Anyways, I better get going. Hope you get better Marinette!"

"T-hank you..." I trail off. Was it just me or did it just get really dizzy in here? I shake my head, but nothing changes. Suddenly, a wave of nausea hits me and I fall back into my bed, and everything goes black.


(Adrien POV)

"Hope you get better, Marinette!" I say cheerfully, and turn to leave.

"T-hank you..." She trails off. Marinette must be tired; I'll let her rest for a while. Suddenly, I hear a thump, and I turn around. She's fallen down again, her eyes closed and her chest struggling for breath. Panicked, I walk over to her and try to shake her awake.

"Marinette?!" I say. "Marinette!" I press the emergency button and call a nurse. A crowd of doctors come take her away, and I'm left there feeling more worried than ever.


As I walk home, I can't help but worry about Marinette. My thoughts travel to who would do such a thing. Marinette was sweet and gentle, I wouldn't think she angered anyone? Unless she was just robbed or something? But then why would she be beat up? My thoughts are interrupted as a limo pulls up. I sigh, ready to face my punishment when I get home.

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