Blackmail- Chapter 7

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Warning: Violence in this chapter

(Marinette POV)

After I FINALLY get out of Chloe's house, I trudge up to my room and immediately fall asleep, before remembering I have physics homework. Groaning, I get up and scribble down some answers half heartedly, and fall asleep on my desk.


"Marinette!" My mother calls. "You're going to be late for school again!"

"OH CRAP!" I say jumping out of bed and putting on my normal attire- pink capri jeans with a white top and jacket. I run down the stairs quickly, careful to put a few cookies in my bag for Tikki. "Bye guys!" I yell, running on my way to school. Panting, I realize I'm not going to make it. "Oh no! I can't be late again! My parents will be SO mad at me!" An idea came to mind. "Tikki, Spots On!" I whisper, much to the displeasure of my kwami.  I transform in an alley, and swing my way to school and land behind a tree. "Phew! I'm even a few minutes early!" I breath a sigh of relief. "Tikki, Spots O-"

"LADYBUG?" Someone calls. I freeze, turning around to face my crush, Adrien Agreste.

"Oh! A-adrien! H-hi! What are you doing here? Oh wait, you go t-to school here of course I'm so stupid..." I mentally slap myself. When I look up at him, I am shocked to find he is blushing just as much as I am.

"A-ah, Ladybug! Why are you here?" He says. What am I going to say?

"Well, uh, you know, uh, PATROLLING! YES! I am just patrolling around for danger, as usual." I strut into an overly exaggerated heroic stance, making Adrien bend over in a fit of laughter. I smile at him, which he immediately turns red at. "Well, gotta go!" I say, quickly swinging into another corner, leaving a lovestruck Adrien behind me. But of course, I didn't know that.

"Tikki, spots off."



I make it to my seat just in time. Alya still isn't speaking to me. I sigh, taking out the half finished physics homework I started on last night. I blame the late night visit with Chloe yesterday. Oh yeah, and now she was blackmailing me! How terrific! With another sigh, I start taking notes for my classes.


As I begin my walk home, I hear someone shout my name. "Mari!" Chloe yells. Ugh, not again. She grabs my arm and leads me towards the opposite direction. "Let's walk TOGETHER."

"Chloe, my house is the other way!" I say, trying to get out of her grip.

"Well, we're going to MY house right now." Suddenly, a wave of anger overpasses me.

"I can't hang out with YOU every second of the day! I have a life too!" I quickly clasp my hands over my mouth. Did I just say that out loud? I don't know how to read her expression, at first it's kind of sad, but then it turns into pure anger.

Suddenly, she slams me against the brick wall, and my arms are pinned to my sides. I wince at the pain suddenly laced across my back. "Well," Chloe laughs darkly. "We can't have anyone knowing your secret, can we?" Fear pounds through my veins.

"So you stooped so low as to blackmailing me, hmmmm?" I ask, a smug look on my face. But that only irritated her more, and my head was slammed back into the wall again.

"Ugh!" She groans. Chloe attempts to punch me in the stomach, but instead I grab her am, inches away from my body, and flip her over. I'm a superhero, did she think she could win a fight against me? Smiling, I walk away from the incident unharmed. Oof. I bump into two large objects, which I immediately realize to be Chloe's bodyguards. Oh, of course, I think, rolling my eyes. Suddenly, the air is knocked out of me as one of them shoves me onto the floor.

"Hey! I yell, attempting to punch one of them in the gut. My fists hit them like a marshmallow. Oops. I guess I don't have Ladybug's strength. Another bodyguard counter attacks, and his arm comes in contact with my jaw as I hit the floor. Pain throbs in my face, but I refuse to back down. I get up again, and manage to get one bodyguard on the floor and one in a headlock. Just as I think I'm winning, a sharp pain hits me in the back of my head. I crumble to the floor, and clutch my head. 

"Well, that was a valiant effort," Chloe chimes in, holding a sharp piece of litter. "But not good enough." Her bodyguards loom behind her, and I know I can't transform with them here. The pain in my head is enough to make me stay on the floor. In my blurry vision, I see Chloe walk over to me. "Why do you get to be a superhero?! I would be way better! You're just a plain, average peasant who doesn't deserve the fame!" Even in my half- conscious state, I manage to offer a comeback.

"It's not about the fame," I whisper. "It's about doing what's right." I guess Chloe didn't hear the last part, because she kicks my in my leg, and I let out a wheeze of pain. Then she hit my arm. Then my cheek. I felt blood stream down corner of my mouth, and I suddenly can't breathe. That's when I realize she's choking me. I still felt the blows keep coming at my body, and the pain overwhelmed me. Maybe she's right. Maybe I am just a plain, average, girl who can't do anything right. Just when I thought I would pass out I hear someone yell.

"Hey!" I hear. There are pounding footsteps, and the punches suddenly stop. My body just leans against the wall, bruised, bloody, and broken. I see someone peer down at me, but my vision's too blurry to see who it was. And that's when everything went black.

PLOT TWIST! Anyway, I think I've finally gotten to 1000 words! Whooo! I'll still keep trying to make the chapters longer tho. There will probably be another update before this weekend. Bug out!

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