Chapter one:Sadness, Slavery, Love

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~Saren's POV~

Wolves, the run with the pack, the follow the way of the moon, they feel the freedom they are able to possess, and they feel the heat of their mate when bonding. Humans, they have friends; not a pack, they follow the crowd and influences of life, not the moon, they are free; but feel as if they are in a cage, they are able to love and feel each other’s heat. Humans and wolves are different. Wolves never mix with humans; they feel they are more superior to the human kind. I on the other hand feel as if we can be equals. They go to school and have friends whom they can share laughter with, with us, we can only share the light of the moon and the freedom while running through the forest. I see the human kind everyday as they walk past our home. Some are couples, they hold hands, they kiss, and the males give the girls their sweaters to keep them warm, they hug for a long time when it comes to separating for the day.  I have never experienced that, I’ve never had a mate that could love me like that. Come to think of it, I’ve never had a mate at all. I was once with a human though, he was kind and gentle to me, at least until he led me to his house. In a way, I was still a pup considering I was thirteen. I remember that dreadful night as if it was yesterday. There were three men waiting at his place, all were in his class as I recall. He was a freshman like the rest of them; they were going to go to high school after that year. The guy I liked and confessed had introduced me to them.  As soon as he placed his hand on my shoulder, I felt a chill go up my spine, I needed to get out of there, and I knew something bad was going to happen. I was so scared…I couldn’t move. He told them ‘have fun guys.’ I was in shock. They ripped my clothes off and tied my hands together. One of them held my down while the other began sucking my lower half.  I felt disgusting, I hated it. My body; it was being violated by men I didn’t even know. Then the worse pain imaginable occurred. One of them stuck their lower halves in me.  It hurt so much, I screamed in pain. It wasn’t until later that night that they were finished with me. The one guy whom I thought I loved threw a sheet over me and told me ‘get your disgusting faggot ass out of my house.’ I cried and grabbed the clothes that were ripped. I kept walking though; I was walking through the streets until I reached an ally. I walked down there and sat down. I was bleed down there. It hurt so much, I kept crying to where my eyes were sore. I didn’t care at all if I looked horrible, I was just raped, and I have the right to look like hell. The moon was high in the sky, I didn’t bother to shift, and it hurt to even walk like I did. I wanted to die; I can’t let my family see me like this. It would be horrible. They already hate me as it is; everyone except my mom that is. She was is beautiful, kind, intelligent, she was will to throw her life away for me. I can’t let that happen. About an hour later, a black figure walked towards me. It had black fur but golden eyes. He was a full sized wolf. He looked at me and shifted to his human form. He was completely naked, but I didn’t care. He looked at me with his worried golden eyes. He told me ‘you’re safe now, I’ll get you home.’ I didn’t say anything, but he picked me up and shifted back into his wolf form. I was on his back hanging on, I felt safe near him. I was…happy; for that single moment, I was happy.  I woke up two days later and the male wolf that picked me up was there along with my mother. She was sobbing; thanking god that I was alright. My brothers and my father didn’t bother to come in, not surprising. The male wolf looked at me and held my hand. I didn’t realize it until that moment, my hands were shaking. I was still traumatized from that awful incident. He kept holding my hand and rubbed it; he was trying to sooth me. I felt happy but still scared. I learned later that night that his name was Kaiden, Kaiden Redbird. He was beautiful in his wolf form, but his human form, he was handsome. He had shoulder length jet black hair, his beautiful golden eyes, a smile that could melt an ice burg, and his skin was tan; he was Native American. He held my hand all night. I didn’t want him to let go. I know it was selfish, but I felt a connection with him that I didn’t want to lose.

The Alpha Owns My Heart (BoyXBoy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें