Chapter 5: Confesstion Part two: Decision

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~Kaiden’s POV~

                Saren…likes me? Why did he keep this from me? Why is my heart beating so fast? Why is my face so red? Not only did the notes say he likes me, they said he loves me; but how do I feel about him? I don’t know; he’s been keeping this a secret for over a month…maybe even longer. I’ll admit, when I saw him for the first time in four years, I was incredible happy.

                The bell rang and it was time to go home. I have to return this note book to Saren. I walked out of the building and find Saren and his friends by the car. He was laughing; I’ll admit he looked really cute when he laughed. I walked up to them and Saren looked at me.

                “Ready to go home, Saren?” I asked him. He nodded and said good bye to his friends. He got in the car, as did I; I turned the ignition on and turned up the radio. “Leave out All the Rest’ by Linkin Park was playing on the radio. Saren started humming to it. I loved listening to him sing; he has such a great voice. When we got home Saren walked inside the house and greeted my parents. I grabbed my back pack and walked inside a few feet behind him. I looked at my parents, they were both dressed up. Mom was wearing a blue dress with a length above her knees; my dad was wearing a suit. They looked great.

                “Where are you guy’s going?” Saren asked them.

                “We have a dinner date with our boss and his wife.  They asked us to join them so we won’t be back until late tonight,” Thane told us. Dad walked out and started the car. Mom went to grab her coat; Saren, like the nice gentleman he is, helped my mom put her coat on.

                “Oh, and Seth and John have their dates tonight, so they’ll be leaving here in a little bit. You two have the house all to yourselves, bye,” Mom said. Saren and me? Alone? That might not be good.

                “I’m going to go to my room and start my homework; can I have my notebook back?” Saren asked me.

                “Oh, right,” I said. I opened my back pack and dug out his notebook. I handed it to him and he left for his room. Maybe tonight will be like any other night.  But I’m curious; does Saren really feel that way about me? Does he really love me? I walked to my room and work on my homework, though I was unable to concentrate, I was able to get it done. I heard a knock at the door. Saren was leaning against the doorway.

                “I’m going to make dinner, anything you want?” Saren asked me.

                “Whatever is fine with you,” I said. He stood straight and started to walk away. 

                “Wait-Saren!” I yelled. He came back with a confused look.

                “Um, …ah…man this is hard,” I mumbled. Saren walked in.

                “What’s up Kaiden? Are you not feeling well?” He asked me. I looked at him and saw his worried bright blue eyes looking at me. I have to tell him, it wouldn’t be right to lie to him. Here is goes.

                “I read some notes in your notebook,” I said.

                “Of course there are notes, that’s what a notebook is for,” he said, he thinks I’m talking about math notes?

                “No, I mean the notes between you and your friends,” I clarified. He looked at me with shocked eyes.

                “You snooped through my notebook?” He asked me angrily. This was bound to happen; I knew he would be angry about this.

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