An Incomplete Cycle

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Salam and hello everyone!

All living beings have rights. Right of living, education, professions, health and the list goes on. But what baffles me the most is "The Right of Free Speech". Once I was very passionate about it but now.... I'm not even sure myself.

And I thank Wattpad for being the reason of making me confused. Because confusions pushes a person to struggle for the right thing. So I am on a quest.

After becoming a member of Wattpad, I've read wonderful stories, no doubt about it and I greatly respect the people whom wrote those stories. Not because I write, no. It's because they are worth the respect.

Yet, I also read comments saying awful things about them, the story and sometimes being too rude and in the end they write "no offense" or "I didn't mean to offend you".
Meaning, they are aware that others could get offended by them.

If they knew, then why are they still writing such things???

It's not just on wattpad, we will find it everywhere in our life.

Fine, I know they have the right of Speech, but what about the rights of the person who is hurt by it?

A person's right is others' duty too. That's how it should be, but... I see an incomplete cycle here.

If I am offended by someone's words, what am I suppose to do? Offend them back? Or sit in a corner, trying to console myself?

Some people had suggested me that that person could always demand for an apology. Fine, but what if the person is not strong enough?
Then the answer is given, "A person must learn to fight for their right."

But would that apology be capable of making the person feel any better???

It will be like hitting a person with a brick, before taking him to the hospital.
Won't his injury ache before reaching the hospital?

It will.

No matter how strong that person is, it will hurt.

That is why I am Baffled.

It's an incomplete cycle of "freedom of speech".

Don't forget to give your response!

Take Care :)

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