Answers: Part 2

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Salam and hello everyone!

Here is the part two of 'On Behalf of Amateur Writers'

The second chapter:

The writer claims that all Muslim characters are Arabs. Well, if she is reading this, and had read my stories, then I guess there is nothing left for me to say.

Therefore, moving on to chapter three:

In this chapter, the writer said that parents and relatives would usually pop up only in times of need and disappears.

Well, I don't know about a pro writer's point of view, but to me, it is logically impossible when the story is written in first person's POV. What I mean is, writer could only write what the character is observing, hearing and talking about.

How and why on earth would a writer put something out of content?

Yes, there are a few techniques of mentioning a whole family like;
'I was watching TV when I heard Mom yelling at my younger brother...'
And many others. But let's not forget that the writers of these stories aren't pro and are still in the process of learning.

When it comes to the third person's POV on the other hand, the choices a writer has are still limited. He/She cannot put unnecessary characters in random scenes and it requires so much effort to handle them all. Even a pro could mess things up in handling many characters sometimes.

Bare in mind that writers on wattpad are also beginners. Management of characters in a story need techniques and experience, which a person gain with time and what they had learnt wouldn't be seen in their early writings.

Don't forget to give your response!

Take Care :)

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