Answers: Part 1

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Salam and hello everyone!

While going through my news feed, I found something very..... odd, an odd book and after further searching, I find more of such books. It didn't baffle me but it does disappoint me.

Yes, I am talking about "dumb/stupid moments in stories" type of books. In which I think the author takes advantage of  writers who had just started writing and don't hold back in making fun of them and in the end, they use the typical "No Offense" or "Don't read if you cannot handle" phrases.

In my opinion, such writers are misusing the 'right of freedom of speech'.

But what surprised me the most is that there is a book on Islamic  stories too, where the writer didn't even thought to hold herself from being utterly blunt which could easily be taken as rudeness if a writer would read it.

Yes, there are dozens of these type books on wattpad, but why I am mentioning particularly such Islamic  books is because the writer is a Muslim.

A Muslim, which is defined as a person who doesn't harm anyone through his/her hand (action) or tongue (words). But clearly the authors of such books had forgotten this definition.

Therefore, as an amateur writer, I will answer all of such books on the behalf of many other writers who are offended by those books.
My answers are not to start a fight or garner hatred. I am only using my right of Free Speech. Firstly I will talk about the "Dumb Islamic Story Moments" for I know I've only read this one so far. And instead of commenting on the book, I will openly give my views and answers on the things she talked about.

So, let me begin with chapter one:

I will agree with the writer here that there are many books which are based on forced marriage, including mine (YRM and YWABM) and there is a huge difference between arranged marriage and forced marriage, thus we should  consider them before writing so that it will not defiantly give a false impression on non-Muslims.

Still, we shouldn't forget that most Muslim writers on wattpad are youngsters, whom yet have seen the world, experience different things and learn the essence of our religion. So, I believe it would be much better if you put your thoughts in a much nicer way. Those young writers need our support and guidance, not criticism or taunting.

Don't forget to give your response!

Take Care :)

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