The Back Benchers

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Salam and hello everyone!

Being a back bencher in class has its own luxury. Students who prefer to sit at the back benches are not weak in studies, at least not all of them. They just simply choose to learn sociological academic education which is passed to them after being processed by their classmates, instead of swallowing only those words which came out from the teacher's mouth.

Back benchers would rather be busy in their own world rather than paying attention to anything else or being too observative. An observative back bencher would mostly see an odd scenario, where people sit and judge others. Those people who do so, actually never does anything themselves.

Sometimes, the back benchers join them and be a part of the crowd but sometimes they avoid it. Perhaps they know the value of time or perhaps they know how things work. They know that the word "Criticism" comes after "Creation".

Maybe they know that creating something is much more difficult than criticizing something....

Maybe the Bank Benchers aren't Baffled like others... 

Don't forget to give your response!

Take Care :)

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