Islam is Not a Genre

393 31 16

Salam and hello everyone!

Lately something strange is going on with me. Or should I say with my wattpad account. I  Don't know how to put it but let me give it a try.
After every month a reader just pop out of nowhere. Criticize me and my stories even my nationality sometimes and vanished. If i tried to answer him/her, usually I get a lame response or some. ...

Anyways, the person who is irritating me says that my stories aren't Islamic and a Muslim shouldn't write stories like mine. This statement confused me and also forced me to think, "Islam is a genre?"

And if I am correct than the answer is "No". Islam is not a genre of fiction, it's a religion. So, why that person is accusing me for writing something that doesn't exist?

Besides, my characters are based on Pakistani culture, not Islamic spirituality or Sufism, so why he/she said that "it's non Islamic".

If his/her intention is to irritate me than I have to congratulate that person for success, because I am really irritated not for what she /he says but for the fact that how misguided the person is, his/her perceptions aren't clear about fiction genre or religion and keep mixing them together is nothing more than naivety.

My dear readers and authors out there, Islam isn't a genre of fiction. It is my responsibility and as well as every other Muslim author on wattpad, to clear this misconception.

Don't forget to give your response!

Take Care :)

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