Chapter 7

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The silence was awkward between the two as the walked to Nicole's.

It seemed so much longer to Katelyn when she was alone with Travis. Her pride was hurting for no real reason.

"Travis..." she began.


"Look. I'm, uh, sorry about..."

"See that rosebush in front on Nicole's?" Travis held Katelyn's chin lightly, positioning it so she could see.

"Uh, yeah?"

"I bet that rosebush has scratched many people before. It's inflicted lots of pain. Without really meaning to, you know? People just walk into it without looking. It's not trying to hurt them. And the people aren't trying to hurt themselves. But sometimes things turn out that way. With meaningless pain." He let go of Katelyn's chin and began to walk inside, getting the key from the doormat. (A/n: Travis's monologue is actually the most insightful thing I've ever written!)

Katelyn almost giggled. Did he just turn a rosebush into a philosophy? He's a lot cuter than he looks. NO! Did I really just think that?

She shook her head and followed Travis's footsteps.

"Katelyn?" Travis asked. "Do you... uh... see them?"

"Dammit!" Katelyn hissed. "For some odd reason, I thought we'd walk in on them watching TV!"

They exchanged a glance, a wordless glance. It didn't need words.

The bedroom!
Katelyn and Travis hesitantly walked upstairs, afraid of what might await them.

Katelyn felt lightheaded when she heard slight moaning coming from Nicole's bedroom.

She fell into Travis's arms, about to faint.

"Whoa!" Travis felt her forehead. "Maybe only I should go in."

"No," Katelyn argued. "I'm coming. If we're busting a Dante, I want to see."

"O-okay..." Travis stood Katelyn back up tentatively.

"C-can I hold your hand?" asked Katelyn.

"Um sure!" Travis gave a grin and laced his fingers in her's.

Squeezing on Travis's hand with all her might, they pushed open the closed bedroom door.

Katelyn exhaled and relaxed her grip on Travis's hand.

Dante was pulling hard on a closet door. "Can you guys help?" he asked, unfazed by the fact that the two had broke in and entered illegally.

"What happened?" Travis asked.

"I had just walked out of Nicole's at around eleven. We'd been watching TV and I got tired and decided if I valued life, I better not spend the night. Nic went up to change apparently, so I left. Then she texted me saying she got trapped in her closet!"

"Yeah!" Nicole's voice was muffled behind the closet door. "I tripped over the door, causing it to fall, and when I tried to open it, the knob fell off! Luckily, my phone was in my pocket. So I texted my cookie, and he came to my rescue!"

"Aw baby girl~! We'll get you out!" Dante responded in a kawaii voice.

Katelyn sighed. She'd gotten worked up over nothing. "Sorry for um, you know..."

Travis shook his head and gave a warm grin. "Rosebush."
Dante, Travis, and Katelyn managed to free Nicole by their last resort—removing the door completely off its hinges.

"Whew!" exclaimed Nicole, dusting herself off. "I'm glad that's over!" She gave Dante a kiss on the cheek and ruffled his navy blue hair. "Thanks for coming back."

"Anytime, sweetheart." Dante cupped Nicole's cheek with his hand.

"Okay!" Katelyn interrupted. "Sorry to break things up, but Dante needs to go. Travis?"

"Right." Travis looked Dante straight in his eyes. "Let's go, bud."

Dante gave an exasperated sigh. "Oh, alright."

"Bye, peach-kisses," Nicole flirted.

Dante saluted. "See you tomorrow, baby girl."

"C'mon, Dante," Travis said, beginning to drag his friend out of the bedroom.

"G'night, Nicole," Katelyn said, giving her friend a hug.

"Nighty night."
Katelyn realized it was three in the morning by the time she unlocked the door.

She wearily made her way up the stairs and glanced in Aphmau's room. Her Levi poster seemed to glare at her, as if saying Haha! You're friend's never coming back. Might as well give up.

Katelyn returned the menacing stare. "Oh shut up, Levi. You're nothing but a poster."

Yeah, but I'm extremely hot, Levi replied.

Katelyn bit her lip. He was right. He was really hot.

But, continued Levi, that Travis guy you're head over heels with is hot too.

"Shut up," said Katelyn. "I thought you were gay for Eren."

Levi didn't respond. Katelyn was triumphant. Her head held high, she exited the room proudly.


She just had a full conversation with a poster.

She really was losing her mind.

She shut Aphmau's door with a loud slam. She heard Kawaii~Chan gasp and run outside, holding a kitchen knife.

"Katelyn~Sama?!" Kawaii~Chan cried. "Kawaii~Chan thought you were Travis~Kun trying to break into the house and do bad stuff!"

"Wow, okay," Katelyn said. "And what's with you all-of-a-sudden having a kitchen knife in your room? You look like a yandere."

Kawaii~Chan gave a huff. "Kawaii~Chan likes to be prepared, okay? Anyways, the real question is why is Katelyn~Sama up at," she paused to look at the analog clock on the wall, "two-thirty in the morning?"

Katelyn avoided the question. "Um..."

Kawaii~Chan put her hands on her hips. "Mmhm..."

"I needed a walk. I couldn't sleep," Katelyn said.

"You weren't out with Travis~Kun, were you?"

"No!" Katelyn felt her face warm.

Kawaii~Chan gave a sly fangirly smile. "Sure..." She backed up into her room, her eyes not leaving Katelyn's.

Katelyn shuddered.

She walked into her room and flopped on her bed, exhausted. It had been a long night.

Her phone buzzed. She picked it up, seeing it from Aphmau.

Aphmau: Come on, Katelyn! I know bows before bros, but I really am in love with Aaron!

Annoyed, Katelyn's fingers flew across the keyboard as she responded.

Katelyn: Have you forgotten about your real friends? Hi, my name's Katelyn. My BEST FRIEND is named Kawaii~Chan. I used to have a friend named Aphmau, but she left me for a boy.

Aphmau: Katelyn, it's not like that...

Katelyn: I think it is. Night, Aphmau. Use protection with Aaron.

Aphmau: Katelyn! Oh my Irene!

Katelyn placed her phone on her nightstand. She was so pissed at Aphmau right now.

"Can't sleep?"

Katelyn whirled around to see that all-too-familiar glint of white hair, staring at her through the opened window.

OMI! This took forever! Sorry~~! I'm also starting a Yatori FF if you watch Noragami, so... hehe~ read it if you want!


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