Chapter 9

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"Kawaii~Chan just KNEW Katelyn~Sama and Travis~Kun would kiss~!" Kawaii~Chan said, through giggles. She flipped one of her glittery pink pancakes.

Katelyn, a blushing mess, put her head in her hands, closing her eyes. She wished Kawaii~Chan would just forget about it. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Sure it is!" Kawaii~Chan said. "When Aphmau~Senpai comes home from Aaron~Kun's house, Kawaii~Chan is going to tell her allllll~~ about it!"

Katelyn sighed. She should've expected Kawaii~Chan to do this, but she still wished she hadn't told her about it. Katelyn was getting more embarrassed by the second.

Kawaii~Chan dialed the phone to Aaron's. She put it on speaker so Katelyn could hear. "Hello~~? Aaron~Kun? This is Kawaii~Chan. Can you put Aphmau~Senpai on the phone?"

"Aphmau's buying groceries right now," Aaron replied. "I'll call you back when she comes home."

"Oh." Kawaii~Chan's face fell. "O-okay." She put the phone back.

"Well," Katelyn said, at an attempt to cheer the Meif'wa up. "I guess we gotta go grocery shopping now."

Kawaii~Chan's eyes lit up. "Really~?"

Katelyn smiled and nodded.

"Well! Let's go then~!"
Kawaii~Chan bounded through the aisles. "Aphmau~Senpai!"

"Shh," Katelyn said. "There are other customers here."

"Kawaii~Chan knows," Kawaii~Chan said.

"Maybe we should split up," Katelyn volunteered. "We'll find her easier. Go through the aisles on the left to the middle and I'll go through the aisles on the right to the middle. When we find her, we'll yell 'Aphmau!' really loud."

Kawaii~Chan nodded. "Kawaii~Chan understands. Good luck Katelyn~Sama!"

"You too. Let's go." Katelyn gave Kawaii~Chan a wave as she veered off to the right, searching the frozen food aisles.

Katelyn walked through, shivering as the cold air hit her like a winter blast. "Not here," she murmured.

She glanced down the milk and beverages aisle. Not there either.

"Aphmau~!" She heard a cry. Kawaii~Chan had found her.

She rushed to the area. It was the chips and candy aisle. "Aphmau!" she said, delighted to see her best friend. It had been weeks since she'd last seen the girl.

"Hey..." Aphmau said as Kawaii~Chan wrapped her arms around her. Aphmau looked out-of-place, a seemed like she was annoyed at Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan for coming.

Katelyn learned this from her aura. "Why are you mad at us?"

"Mad? I'm not mad at all!"

Katelyn narrowed her eyes. "Yeah you are. You've been living with your boyfriend so long, you forgot how to act around your real friends."

Aphmau looked taken aback. "What?"

"I said you've forgotten how to greet people that aren't your boyfriend."

"Katelyn!" Aphmau said. "Stop!"

"Stop what?" Katelyn growled. "Telling the truth?"

"That's not the truth and you know it." Aphmau turned to Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan, tell her!"

Kawaii~Chan removed her arms from Aphmau's shoulders. "Uh... Kawaii~Chan doesn't want Aphmau~Senpai to be mad... but she agrees."

"You too?!" Aphmau gasped. "I can't believe you guys! Just five minutes ago, I thought've you two as my friends. I guess that was wrong too." With an angry look, Aphmau turned around and stormed out of the store.

"Aphmau~Senpai's really mad..." Kawaii~Chan began.

"Serves her right," Katelyn growled. "She should treat her friends with more respect than her boyfriend."

Kawaii~Chan didn't say a thing. It was obvious she had mixed feelings about the recent argument.

"Okay," Katelyn mumbled. She grabbed a bag of Doritos from the shelf. "I'll just pay for this and we can be on our way."

Kawaii~Chan nodded. Normally, she'd be all for a new bag of Doritos, but she was silent today. It was obvious why.
"...and then she got really mad and stormed out of the store." Katelyn leaned back on Nicole's sofa as Nicole listened intently. Neither Travis nor Dante were present, so it was good to get some alone time with her best friend.

"Mm. Seems like you might wanna let this blow over before you talk to her. Knowing Aph, she's going to need some cool-down time before you have a heart-to-heart. It looks like you need that as of late," Nicole replied.

Katelyn nodded. "I guess you're right. Thanks Nicole. Nowadays, no one's really around to talk to besides you. Aphmau's obviously with Aaron 24/7, and Kawaii~Chan is either locked in her room with anime, or watching anime with Reese. Either way, anime is always involved with her."

Nicole giggled. "I guess you're right. And no problem. You can always talk to me, don't forget that!" She got up and gave Katelyn a playful punch in the arm.

"Ow!" Katelyn said with a laugh. She loved to spend time with Nicole. She was a very good listener.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"That must be Dante," Nicole said. "Come in~!"

Katelyn groaned. Dante meant Travis, and Travis meant secrets being revealed. Katelyn still hadn't told Nicole about their kiss.

"Hey hey hey~!" Dante said as he walked in and gave Nicole a kiss on the cheek. They really were in love.

Travis followed him, staying silent and blushing furiously. Neither Katelyn nor him were about to look each other in the eye.

"What's going on with you?" Dante asked upon seeing Travis's sudden silent nature.

"N-nothing. Nothing's going on with me, why would you think that?" Travis replied strongly.

"You and Katelyn kissed, didn't you?" Nicole asked suddenly.

Katelyn's face turned redder than a tomato.
"S-shut up, Nicole!"

Travis, however, was not good at covering up. "H-how did you know?" he asked, staring at the ground.

Nicole and Dante gasped.

"I didn't!" Nicole said with a giggle. "Just a lucky guess!"

"Screw you, Nicole," Katelyn said with bitter sarcasm. Nicole smirked.

"Come on, Travis," Katelyn said, grabbing the white-haired boy's sweatshirt. "Let's go."

Ooo an update! This is kind of moving slowly, but meh. I don't really have much to say, other then my x reader oneshot book will be published soon! lol


Love? Definitely not. [Travlyn mini-fic] ✔︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora