Vigilante X Consigliere X Forger

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Before I get into the story I'm just gonna say this isn't like the other two as you'll see later. In my other one shot I touched on the Vigilante but didn't explain any motive or anything. So this is basically kinda like the Will you could say...anyway onto the story.

Vigilante's POV

I hear a loud knock on my door. That doesn't sound too good. I'd better grab my gun just in case it's an undesirable at my door. I say a little prayer, gulp and then answer my door

"Good evening" says the tall man in a large trench coat. He's covering his face. I was right about this. Next to him is a smaller man. Brown hair and eyes and a big smile on his face, sadistic smile. Then I look at the last of the party and then my heart almost stops. It's Alice! My sweet sweet Alice.

"What are you doing with these strange men Alice? Come with me and we can live a happy life together, raise a family and watch them as they grow." I grab her shoulders and she grabs my waist.

"Oh John! I've always loved you. Ever since we were kids. It's always been you!" She moves in for kiss.

"Ummm Mister?" The masked man approaches me and snaps his fingers. I'm whisked back to reality. She's not in my arms. She's not giving me a kiss. We're not raising a family....

"Oh uh. Sorry I zoned out a little. Good to see you again Alice." I open my arms for a hug but she instead mumbles something under her breath. She knows. They know and that's why they're here!

"May we come in?" The Masked man asks me. This is where I die!

"Let's get one thing straight, if I'm going to die tonight then I'm going to die on my terms got it?!" I'm standing my ground.

"What do you mean-"

"Got it!" Alice sneers at me. Her eyes are so beautiful. They shall be the last eyes I ever see.

"Goddammit Alice what if he has other people here?!" The masked man looks disappointed.

"I can assure you nobody is here. Come in and be quick about it" I push them in and lock my doors.

"If I'm going to die then I wish to die by Alice's hand" I toss her my gun and she loads it like it was a reflex. She's really set on killing me huh?

"Awwww but Bebe you said that I could kill him" The short one hugs the masked man. Aw that's sorta cute considering he wanted to stab me repeatedly. We could have been like that Alice....

"Let her kill him, after what he did she deserves some payback bebe" The masked man plants a kiss on the short mans forehead making him giggle.

"Ok Bebe but promise that I get the next kill" he's making a pouty face.

"Ok Bebe, I wuv youuu" Says the masked man.

"Wuv you too." The shorter one says back.

"Gentleman if you'd please can we get back to the task at hand?" I prod and the shorter one hisses at me. Bad move on my part.

"Another term-" Bang! I scream out in agony as a bullet enters my left kneecap.

"What the hell?! I wasn't done-" Bang! I scream out again as this time I'm shot in the right kneecap. Unable to stand I collapse to the floor.

"Give me your knives Tom" Alice holds her hand out.

"W-what? But they're my knives!" The shorter one replies.

"Give me them now!" She growls making him give her his knives like a hot potato and then hiding behind his lover.

"What are you gonna do with those-" I scream as she pushes the blade into my right hand making a squirt of blood come out. Then again in my left hand.

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