Veteran X Vigilante

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Are you surprised I've managed to link so many one shots together? I know I am! Leave suggestions for roles you wanna see on future one shots ^>^

Veteran's POV

I'm in the middle of the battlefield. The front line trench. My friends and allies, gassed shot to pieces. We're sleeping in holes in the grounds. Uncomfortable beds sometimes no bed at all! I'd been in the front trench for almost 2 months now. Same old thing. We charge. We get shot, we retreat. They charge, they got shot and they retreat. Again and again and again and again until somebody accomplishes something. Should we really be risking our lives to run a few hundred meters and watch our friends and allies fall, one by one. Right in front of your eyes. People you once called by their names. Gone. People who you laughed and cried with. Fall to the ground with a splash of mud and a groan before they finally let go. Once you're their the only way out is to fight or die. I wasn't sure what I wanted anymore. I didn't know what anything was worth. What I would come home to. The seed of doubt was planted into my head. Sprouting with each coming day. The day has finally come when I was to be positioned in the reserve trench. The furthest away from the front lines. That moment never arrived. We were ambushed and most of our men were pronounced dead on the scene. One of those men were me. Except I wasn't dead. I was pronounced KIA about 1 week after. It was then when I saw my way out. Out of this nightmare. Not a single soul more had to be claimed by my hand. The weight of so many lives was a burden you had to carry. Not even after the war did any man forget what they had done for their country. Each man had a wife, had kids, had parents they had to return to but they were one of the unlucky few chosen by fates cruel bingo game. Except who were really the lucky ones? The deceased? Relieved of all burdens and pain. Resting for ever and ever at the bottom of some hole waiting for the worms to burrow their way into your stomach like an apple. Or survive the dispute but carry the weight of everything you had done, how many lives you claimed. No matter how you tried to justify your actions there was no denying how inhuman the tasks we had to perform were. You never forget. Nobody does.

"Please don't kill me! I-I-I'll go with you if I have to just please don't kill me I have a wife and two daughters, Emily and Cara! They're 8 and 9 years old! Please I won't ever get to see their graduation, their marriage. I won't get to become grandad! Please I promise I'll-" Bang!

"Ahhhh!" I scream and trash in my bed. My bed. I'm in my bed I'm not there I won't ever be there again! I sit up disgruntled and panting. I feel like I've been holding my breath underwater. Except the water isn't water. It's blood. The blood of the innocent lives I claimed. I rub my sleepy eyes and squint my eyes at the window. I can tell from the sun's location in the sky that it's around 9AM. One of the things I learned while in the war. I also learned how to tell directions. You see the sun will always rise from the west and set on the east. Those combined would give us an advantage if we used them correctly. Or they so they said. If that would have helped us then why were we at a stalemate for years?! I get out of bed but I don't have the energy to stand up.

"Another sleepless night" I mumble to myself. Complaining was something I was great at. I do my normal morning routine. An eye always behind my shoulder. A habit I picked up from you know where. I make myself look presentable as I can. I use a little male makeup to hide the bags under my eyes. There's nothing wrong with male makeup. It's for males. Not women. Males. I walk out the front door and am greeted with the blinding light of the sun. Spending so long in those holes has gotten be acquainted to the dark.

"Hey Samuel!" Deodat gives me a friendly whistle. Every morning he gives me a friendly greeting in the morning. Too bad I don't trust him. Too bad I don't trust anyone anymore. I keep tabs on everybody in this town. I make sure if I see anything I need to worry about then I'll jot it down and be ready at all hours of the morning if need be. I don't care about anybody here but me. I sit in my lawn chair on the front porch. Observing everybody as usual. Something catches my eye. Nobody lived there did they? Didn't I kill the escort that lived there? They walked into my house and Bang! I made sure the town knew that I wasn't to be messed with and would shoot anybody that visited me. Nobody had any objections. I catch a glimpse of the new guy moving in. If he's moving here then he's got to be an idiot- Holy crap he's hot! I always told myself I was straight when I first signed up and saw who I was working with but I knew I wasn't going to keep that charade up for much longer. Being surrounded by Men. Men with great bodies. Covered in dirt and sweat. It was a huge turn on for me. I slept with my commanding officer. At first it was to get out of my position in the war and he kept to his promise but we kept at it and soon the new recruit caught us and spread word. Word is he was executed and so were my chances of leaving this god forsaken war. They had a strict policy. No sexual intercourse especially with somebody of a higher rank than you. It was a waste of time and distracted us from the task at hand. I take another look at the new guy and there's no denying that he's incredibly attractive.

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