Executioner X Target (Escort)

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Got more links to the stories than TLOZ has heroes.
Thanks Wheeezygunso8 for the suggestion and thanks Dially for helping me come with this idea.
Enjoy .3.

Le warning! There be smut in this chapter because #JustEscortThings

You have been warned

Executioner's POV

I wake up to a shrill voice whispering in my ear.

"Happy 1 week anniversary baby" she kisses me on the cheek. Ugh. That's another thing I hate about this woman. 1 week we've been dating and she acts as if we're old and grey with grandchildren. As if I'd ever let her reproduce. She's like a bad rash that just won't go away no matter how much cream or ointment or whatever you put on it, it just won't leave you alone but if I'm to get justice then it's a sacrifice I'll make. Even if I do lose a few brain cells from the sheer stupidity of this broad. She failed all her classes. She has no skills or anything that makes her stand out from anybody else. Well except the lack of air she's getting to the small shrivelled brain of hers. So guess what she does? She sleeps with people for fun and money. She thinks I don't know but she brings them back here!

"Oh we're just cousins!" She says.

"Oh we're just old classmates" she nags. Just this just that ugh I can't stand her voice. It could break glass I tell you! I compose myself, fake a smile and turn around.

"Ugh" I flinch. Dear gods the beast is hideous. Even more so than normally! What have I done to deserve that?!

"What's wrong babe" she nibbles on my ear. I'm gonna need an extra long shower and maybe a saw blade if I don't feel clean enough.

"U-Uh nothing I was just taken away by your beauty" I could hardly get through that. I was taken away alright. To a place worse than hell.

"Awwwww I love you baby" she sticks her tongue in my ear.

"Hnng" I gag. I'm going to be sick all over it.

"What's wrong baby you feeling Loooooovesick?" She extends the love part making me gag more. Never would I ever love you.

"Y-yeah must be, I gotta go shower" I quickly escape her clutches and run to the shower. Dear god she's already moved all her creams, makeup, hair products anything you that makes you look more and more like a plastic doll she's got it. I hop into the shower and quietly rock myself while trying not to attract her attention. I look at the hidden camera I stuck into a cheap bar of soap. She'd never touch that thing with a 10 foot pole. If it's not expensive then it's unacceptable. This woman is costing me a fortune. When will the sheriff take the bait I've been setting? I've been sending her places to make her look suspicious. All I'm waiting on is the little fishy to bite. I need to get rid of her the painful way. So she can look into my eyes when she croaks. Gasping for air, trying to survive but nobody can outlive the noose. I try to avoid her as much as I can until I leave the house and talk to the sheriff. I didn't reveal my identity and neither did he.

"Hello" he hides under a Chinese doll mask. Yeah because nobody will notice that or anything.

"I'm not one for formalities, let's cut to the chase, did you get the proof you need or not?!" I press him though I don't think he's taking me seriously with my muffled voice under my mask. I chose to wear a fox mask as it just seemed so fitting.

"Actually I do. I expect you'll be voting her up later?" I can't see but I can tell he's smirking.

"Ab-so-fucking-lutely" I say so relieved that I'll never have to put my hands on that beast again.

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