Medium/Vampire X Another Vampire Part 1

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Oh heyyyyyyy, sorry for my little unannounced hiatus I just didn't feel like writing but I'm back bitches and I'm ready to write.

Medium's POV

I've been dating this guy now. For about 3 years if I remember. The problem is. He wants me but I won't put out. I'm into that whole abstinence thing. Devote Christian. Who else could have given me these powers but God himself? These unnatural powers... Are they a blessing or a curse? A reward or a punishment. Powers aside my life is going swell. I do get a lot of hate from people for being gay but that doesn't bother me. I've got a wonderful boyfriend. I can't always please him in the ways that he desires but he told me he'll wait and I believe him. I can help the town law enforcement by contacting the deceased with my power and see if they have any ideas of who killed them. A lot of people have claimed that Deodat was evil but I don't have enough evidence gathered and I can't be certain if the town will believe me or if he will spin this little web of his and entrap me before I realise and can get out. He's a manipulative one he is but he doesn't bother me as long as I have my sweet little James protecting me. He's a bodyguard and he made sure he would always protect me. Such a sweetheart he is. I awaken from one of my nightly seance to find that it's morning. It lasted a little longer than normal. I must have kept James up all night with my ramblings. He attempts to lie and tell me they don't bother him but I can see the bags under his eyes and the lack of focus during most of the mayor's speeches with I said could be very detrimental as we have a lot of killers in  this small town of ours and we have no way out as we have people guarding the gate every night making sure nobody leaves and only people who have been authorised to enter this premises, in. I look around to see where James had potentially sleep walked this time as he does that from time to time and it's sometimes dangerous because if he wanders into the wrong house or place then he'll get an axe to the face like Trotsky and the last thing this town needs is dictator running us and turning our town communist because as history has concluded it doesn't work very well when it comes to human nature. I'm very philosophical and I believe in omens and karma and luck and the sorta stuff that makes you sound crazy except it's true. Nobody believes me but I know it's true! I find him with his left foot in the toilet and his head on our potted cactus. Oh boy. I shake his shoulder and he bounces landing on the floor, breaking the plant pot and splashing the urine and toilet water mixture onto the floor and onto me.

"Oh shit I sleep walked again didn't I? I'm sorry I should have stayed awake and made sure you were safe I promised I would do this I mean what type of-" I put my finger on his lips and he stops fussing.

"It's okay it's okay. I'm fine aren't I?" I smile and tilt my head a little bit to show I was still grateful for the nice gesture.

"Great!" He yawns. "We can get to bed now right I mean it has to be late you look so tired and I know IM tired so what do you say we hit the beds maybe watch a movie have some fun I mean or we could just sleep it's whatever you can decide I really don't mind-" I stop his rambling again

"Honey it's 9am the mayor gives his speech in less than 20 minutes and you aren't exactly presentable with thorns sticking out of your check and you really need to take a shower" I say plucking the thorns out of his face as he flinches a little every time. I chuckle and kiss every little hole.


"Better!" He plants a kiss on my lips and hops in the shower right in front of me.

"Um James" I point to his torso. He follows my gaze and his face turns bright red.

"Ah right, I'm still clothed." He takes his urine stained clothing off and gives it to me to put in the wash basket.

"You know if you wanted you could hop in here with me and we could-"

"I told you I'm waiting till marriage!" I hit him playfully.

"Then let's get married! Instead of a ring if you the D-"

"No I want a proposal!" I hit him again making him chuckle.

"OK fine" he disappears behind the shower curtains for a moment and then reappears on one knee.

"Edward you've made me the happiest man alive, would you do me the honours of becoming my husband?" He pulls our a bar of soap.

"Oh my god you're such an idiot" I slap the soap out of his hand and I can't help but laugh at his joke as bad as it was.

"Oh no the soaps on the floor it would be a shame if I....went to pick it up." He bends over to pick it up making sure to take his sweet time by "accidentally dropping the soap" and laughing every time he did.

"You're such an ass!" I laugh at him only encouraging him to continue his charade.

"Well thanks for the compliment" he begins talking out off his ass. I flick the shower on while he's pissing around and he screams as a sudden burst of freezing water brushes down his back and he falls down.

"Ow! What'd you do that for!?" He laughs and I can't help but fall to the ground and gasp for air as I try and sift out another laugh.

"Just hurry up and shower!" I yell and walk out of the room making sure to take the towel with me. God he's such a goofball and that's my favourite thing about him. I slip into another one of my daydreams. I'm awoken by James, his wet naked body on top of mine. He's shaking me.

"Where's my towel you whore!" He laughs at me as I push him off of the bed and dry him off with the rug.

"Hurry up and get dressed you idiot" I push him into the closet.

"I've escaped from here once I can do it again asshole!" He yells at me through the door and I laugh. He gets ready and I let him out. He walk into the town square and we see many smiles aimed at us. We walk to the mayor's podium and we listen to his speech. Nothing new it's just the same old "If you have any idea who is committing these heinous and discriminating crimes then we should step forward and strive for a positive future where we can all live in harmony" blah blah blah. The speech ends and James begins to whisper in my ear.

"Now can we head to bed? I'm dying to get some of that. Well as much as I can get" he giggles and be breathes heavily in my ear and I give in to his will as we walk home.

"Now get upstairs and get a movie on. I'll get the drinks the snacks" he teases me he spins me around and then pushes me into the bedroom. I pick our favourite movie "Redpool" it's about some chick that's kinda like a hero except it's more adult and she's got regenerative powers or something I don't pay attention to the plot I'm more into the comedy. I slip into my birthday suit and wait anxiously under the sheets for our fun lazy day.

James P.O.V

I listen closely to the door and I hear him jump into bed. Good. I get back to the snacks and grab some microwaveable popcorn to try and mute out my real plan. I hate to do this to him but we need more people and I figure this way, we get to be together. Is that selfish? Either way it's what's happening. I wince at the pain from being in the sunlight for too long. It doesn't automatically kill us but if projected to enough sunlight then it is fatal. I crush a pill and begin to have second thoughts. I can't turn back now though. I civ it into his drink and make sure it fully dissolves before I walk in with the snacks and the drinks making sure not to mix them up.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Ready!" I say as he sips his drink and cuddles into me as I get fully naked. The movie begins...

Oh shit James how could youuuu?  Cliffhanger thoooo. I had too many ideas to implement into 1 part so it may be 2 parts or it may be 3. Either way I hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you all later

~ Aeneolus ❤️

Total word count: 1541

Town of Salem Role X RoleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz