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Ryan(24), Raleigh(14), Mya(14), Joshua(16), Jared(16)and Ricky(4).

Heyo! My name is Raleigh Anne Brink. And my life is basically chaos. Yours would be too if you lived in a full house of six people. Where four of them are boys. My older brother,Ryan, is our legal guardian. He is in college to be a teacher, but he works at the local bar on weekends to provide for us. Then the J-devils, as I like to call them, : Joshua and Jared. They each love : sports, annoying me, and protecting Mya, me, and our younger brother. After the J-devils there is me and my twin sister Mya who is two minutes younger than me. And before you think less of me, I DO NOT rub it in her face. She decides to remind me of her younger-ness (is that even a thing?) when we both get caught; saying:"You are the older one." Lastly there is Ricky, who is too adorable for his own good. He is in Pre-K, but has more common sense than all of us combined. And well my parents...that's a story to be explained later.

*what ya think? For now I'm just starting with the intro, but I promise that there will be an actual chapter by tomorrow afternoon. Like the photo? One of my favorite phrases of all time.*

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