Chapter 6

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((The one on the left is Jared, on the right is Joshua.)) 

Jared jumped down the last couple of steps and raised his eyebrows at me. "What in the world are you doing up," his voice laced with amusement. I just shook my head and went into the kitchen. He followed me and sat in one of the chairs at the table. I started fixing breakfast for everyone, minus Ryan of course. 

What am I going to do about Ryan and his crazy need to provide too much money for us? He can't go back to the way he was earlier. Diana let it slip that if it happens again, he would need to stay in the hospital longer than the last time. That means that we won't really be able to see him as much. And he'll be in the stinking hospital! That's terrible! As I take a deep breath, the smell of smoke feels my nose. "Oh crap!" Jared suddenly runs over to the stove and turns off the heat. Walking over to me, he pulls me away from the now burnt eggs. "What's wrong? You're off and just burnt food. Which by the way is sacrilege . I mean really, what did those eggs ever do to you," he looks super serious as he says all of that. In spite of my own worrying, that makes me giggle. He gives me a small smile and has me sit at the bar that has left over plates from last nights dinner. "So, what gives," Jared asks as he puts some bread in the toaster. I sigh and tell him about Ryan's new job. 


"So? What do you mean 'so' ?"

"Well, it is his choice to have a second job. And why is it such a big problem for him to have another job? Besides, maybe he will finally grow a pair and ask Diana out," he reasons. "Remember the last time he had more than one job AND went to school too ?," He nods grimly. "That's why this second job is a problem. I don't want Ryan to ever get to that point EVER AGAIN," he nods and lets the conversation drop. Mya jumps around the corner of the hall and screams. "What the heck?!" Jared jumps back startled while I'm just amused at my sisters early morning antics. Ricky comes running down the stairs, "Jared! Raleigh! Somebody!" Joshua runs into the kitchen just as Ricky hides behind me.

 "Where is that little demon-child?!"

"Which one?"


"Oh. I don't know," Jared answers then goes back to cooking breakfast. Ricky and Mya sneak out the room. Huh, I wonder what the little guy did to get Joshua so mad. He doesn't usually have a big temper. Unless you mess with his hair, then he gets so mad that he turns red. Jared noticed it first though, "Josh, why are you wearing a hat inside?" Joshua starts fuming again and growls at me when I take the hat off his head. His dark brown hair was now a bright neon pink. The room was quiet for a few moments until laughter filled the room. Joshua snatched back his hat, "It's not funny!!"

Mya came back from hiding the small, evil boy.  "You're right, that's not funny. What's funny is that you have to go to your school with that hair," Mya giggled as she dodged her brother's smack. Joshua eventually let his anger go enough to notice my failed attempt at breakfast. He scrutinized the remains of the poor eggs but did not comment on them. Mya pulled out a few bowls, spoons and cereal boxes for everyone to have instead. "We're out of milk guys," she said as she passed around the bowls. I rolled my eyes at her idea of a proper breakfast. However, the cereal probably was better than trying to eat burnt food. 

After everyone had poured their cereal, Ricky peeked his head out from the kitchen doorway. "U-um...J-Joshua?" The boy in question turned his head and gave Ricky a warm smile. "I-I'm really s-sorry about your h-hair," Ricky hung his head and I think he may have been crying too. Joshua stood up and pulled the little boy into a hug, saying, "It's okay, Bud. Don't worry about it." Ricky kept his head in Joshua's shoulder. Mya ruffled Ricky's hair affectionately then put together some cereal for him. Our day was spent doing homework and chores. Right when we were all about to start relaxing, someone began beating heavily on the door. Ricky and Joshua jumped from the sudden burst of sound. Jared stopped me from opening the door and cautiously opened it himself. Bianca ran past me and launched herself on Jared. He fell back a few steps and wrapped his arms around her waist. "What the heck Bianca?" He yelped as she pulled his face this way and that, checking him over for something. "You're okay! Oh my goodness! Thank goodness! Everyone said there was some accident! Oh my goodness," Bianca continued to rant as Jared set her down on the couch. "What in the world are you talking about, B?" I said while Jared and everyone else stared at my bestfriend. 

"You guys haven't heard? Oh my goodness, that explains it. Clarisse has escaped," she said her last sentence cautiously. Jared stared at her in shock and fear. Ricky looked around, thoroughly confused. "Y-You're kidding," I stuttered as a familiar fear raced through me. Bianca shook her head with sorrow. "She escaped after a riot in the prison," her words barely registered in my mind as I was pulled into a hug. "Who's Clarisse?" Ricky's question was met with a moment of silence until Jared answered him.

"Clarisse is our mother." 

((So does anyone actually read my stories? Just curious. Anywho, I am going to try again with this story. Ricky is too cute, no? lol. Hmmm, should this Clarisse character cause some trouble later? Opinions anyone? Welp, gonna go now. Hasta luego chicos y chicas. Have a good night, day, morning, evening, afternoon or whatever :P ))

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