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          After the talk with Ryan, I can't focus on the TV. Flashbacks of the last time he had the bar job, security job at the mall, and substitute teacher job at an elementary school a couple towns over keep going through my head. A time in all our lives that I wish I could forget. It was almost a year after our Dad died, and we didn't know about the money he and our mom had left us to spend.
He would come home exhausted but still stayed up studying and playing with Ricky and Mya. After all three jobs and college who wouldn't be exhausted? Ryan also wouldn't eat very much, not at home at least. He said he would just eat later, but later meant never. Finally after a month of that cycle, Ryan collapsed in one of his night classes.
            Diana was with him at the class, and thankfully knew about his crazy schedule. She took him to the hospital, then brought all of us to his room. The doctor, who let Joshua and Jared stay in the room while they talked about Ryan's condition, said that he was severely dehydrated and malnourished.
             I saw Diana cry a little into Ryan's shoulder, because she was scared. When the younger kids were allowed to go see him, Ricky took one look at my big brother's weak frame and started crying. Joshua was holding Ricky while they cried, and Jared was hugging Mya off to the side of the room. And just what was i doing when all of that was going on?
I was standing by the door with my arms crossed, glaring at my tired brother in the hospital bed. "When did you stop eating regularly?," I asked Ryan with a hard look on my face. Jared and Joshua looked taken back by my harsh look and voice but stayed quiet. Diana glanced at Ricky and Ryan and said quietly, " Come on Ricky. Let's go get something from the vending machine while Ryan talks to Raleigh. I'll let you pick anything you want ok?" He nodded and Diana took him outside.
Ryan whispered,"A month ago." My eyes widened and I walked towards him slowly, "A. Month.?! Are you serious, Ry?!" Joshua shrunk back slightly as Jared put Mya on one of the chairs. "We're family right?! Family talks to each other about this type of thing. My god, do you not realize what could have happened if Diana wasn't with you?! Ryan, you passed out. Your body shut down. What if you had hit your head on something really hard or sharp or who knows," I walked towards him with every sentence and stopped in front of his bed," What kind of idiot are you?! You know you have to eat and sleep just like the rest of us! You're not invincible or-". He cut me off, pulling me to him in a hug and started whispering soothing things in my ear. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears began to fall from my eyes onto his chest as I held onto him tighter. "I'm fine baby girl, I'm fine," he whispered over and over again.
              Jared came bouncing down the stairs, bringing me out of the memory. I shook my head and made a silent promise. Never. again.

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