chapter 5

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* 7 years later*

Over the years amber trained sasuke and I hard before we even went to the academy. We were ranked ss in the bingo book under the name 'the lovers' which always made me blush since sasuke wasn't my boyfriend.

Shut up conscience. Anyway now I'm at the academy third day in I only went because amber ordered me to, I did whatever she asked and she knew that so she tried not to make me do anything against my will but this time the hokage told her that we had to go.

(Amber was good friends with him although I don't know how or why)

Amber had told us that she'd be joining us at the academy so I didn't worry as much in fact I felt relieved. The girls in our class either tried to befriend me because of sasuke or just plain out hated me because I hung out with sasuke.

I was the only person he talked to but they didn't try anything foolish like beating me up because the first and only time they tried sasuke interfered and threatened them so I was left alone only when I was with sasuke and that kind of angered me sometimes but I always sat with him. Right now he was sleeping on his desk.

"Oi! Pay attention when I'm talking to you or are you seriously that stupid" a boy snapped in front of me. I just smiled at him which probably pissed him off even more, what was his name calliou? Calum?

"Sorry what were you saying calliou?"

"That's not my name! My name is kiba. What no lunch today what happened your mom forgot to pack it? Oh wait you don't have one!" He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"ATTENTION! we have a new student her name is amber. Class welcome her" iruka-sensei yelled out calling our attention. I could hear the collective gasp the class let out. If I was straight I'd probably gasp too after all amber was really pretty. I chuckled under my breath as amber gave everyone a cold look which caused them to back off.

I smiled brightly at the fox cub that was following her closely I could tell that it was giving all the boys death glares. In case you hadn't guessed yes it was kuruma amber had asked the hokage if she could free him he agreed as long as the kyuubi stayed in his human or cub form and became a ninja which they both agreed on and became anbu. I still held a great deal of his power and I had developed a powerful chakra due to it which he helped me harness and trained sasuke. I smiled mischievously.

"Onee-chan!!!" I smirked as everyone gasped at the pretty smile amber gave me and as she jumped towards my arms I luckily caught her and she grinned and kissed my cheek I heard a whimper and I quickly put amber down and picked up kyu I snuggled him to my chest and he licked my cheek at which I giggled and then put him down as he squirmed. Kyu has always adored sasuke and I and loved us as if we were his babies. Although sometimes he was overprotective. I laughed at kibas face which showed shock.

Amber looked at sasuke which the girls noticed and glared at her then smiled triumphantly especially sakura, ino wasn't here today and neither was hinata strangely.

"He won't notice you much less talk to you so don't even try" sakura said smugly. Amber looked at her coldly at which sakura flinched I snorted and sakura glared at me I just rolled my eyes.

Amber approached sasuke and whispered something in sasuke's ear at which sasuke shot up and blushed brightly at but he also had a smile on his face pearly whites and all causing some girls to pass out from Nosebleed's. Sasuke hugged amber which caused everyone else to either glare at or stood still in shock at.

"OK sasu-chan calm down." Sasuke immediately listened bit still had a small smile and glared at her playfully at which she stuck her tongue out at then composed herself and glared at us both.

"You two are in trouble" We looked at each other in sync and shrugged not knowing what was wrong and looked back as she sighed and face palmed "you two forgot your lunch this morning and iruka's aren't you starving? have you asked iruka if he's hungry?" If the kids could get anymore shocked they were which I'm surprised they haven't started demanding answers and asked why she said his name informally. We knew iruka for awhile now since amber had saved his life numerous times. He knew everything and even forgave kyu which kyu was absolutely happy about and over time treated iruka as if he were his brother and iruka treated him the same.

Amber passed us both our bentos and we both kissed her on the cheek at which she glared at us playfully. as we dug into our lunch amber gave iruka his lunch as well and he hugged her out of sheer happiness at which she rolled her eyes at and sat down in between sasuke and I and ate our lunch together which was delicious might I add. After we threw our trash away and put away our containers sasuke and I immediately put our heads on her shoulders as we were tired and amber started running her hands through kyu's fur at which he happily purred at. I closed my eyes and started falling asleep.

So far no trouble. Thank goodness.

I should've kept my thoughts to myself because tomorrow there was even more drama.


Anyone else notice how many times I've said which? No one? ....ook? I'm probably just being weird again *sits in emo corner planting/poking mushrooms*

Anyways I dedicate this chapter to...

teamanimequeen thank you for following me I love you.
Wait...don't freak out. I probably freaked you out and ruined possible friendship

*Cry's in emo corner*

Sorry I haven't updated BTW but I'll try and get more chapters done but school starts Monday for me so I'll probably either make short chapters and update more or longer chapters and update like once a week idk but I'll figure it out.

| Evie |
P.s. the song above will come up later on

Amber (Slow Updates)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon