chapter 6

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Story starts here 😅



"Ew look at her she's so ugly especially with those freaky eyes of hers no wonder she has no friends" a boy laughed as he and his friends cornered her.

I'm so weak. Letting myself cry at what they're saying about me.

I was shaking and sobbing while the boys just laughed and pushed me against the fence.

" you're in my way" a soft voice said coldly.

The boys turned back and saw a girl about the same age as them which was 7 with long brown hair and beautiful Amber eyes. The boys stared at the beauty with fascination yet flinched when she sent them a cold look. They parted like the red sea for her as she walked towards hinata. As she reached her she gave her a gentle smile which hinata unknowingly returned and grabbed the hand that reached for her. They walked away as the boys watched gaping.

" why'd you help me" hinata asked softly

"I didn't, they were in my way and I saw someone on the ground and I decided to politely pick them up because a lady should always be proud and regal."

Hinata couldn't help but stare. She giggled lightly as the girl gave her an amused look and walked her home.

"You know you shouldn't let them treat you like that. You're not a doormat. Be confident because no matter how I look at it you're quite beautiful and you'll most likely get even more beautiful as time passes so don't let their words get you down, ok?"

Hinata nodded and gave her a sweet smile giddy at the fact that this beautiful stranger called her beautiful.

As the stranger turned to leave hinata grabbed her arm.

"Will I see you again?" Hinata asked hopefully

The girl laughed lightly "of course. We're friends now after all" she gave hinata a smile that blew her away.

*flashback over*

I don't know why that memory just popped up after all I haven't seen the girl in 4 years after the third time they had met up.

"Hinata" someone yelled which drew her attention. Spotting long blonde hair she knew it was ino. The mysterious girl had introduced them to each other after which they had become the best of friends and were as close as can be.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past 10 minutes, just what were you thinking about?" Ino said as she caught up with her

" i was thinking about lupa" hinata responded sheepishly. They didn't know if that was her actual name or not but they called her that because of her beautiful eyes that were similar to that of a wolf. Ino sighed sadly.

" I miss her. I hope we can see her again soon. I've been taking care of the flowers for her and cultivated some new ones so I hope she'll be happy with the garden." I no said wistfully

"I'm sure she'll adore it after all it's beautiful and useful"  hinata said reassuringly and giggled a little at the last part.

" you're right. We'll see her again just you wait" ino said optimistically

They walked to the academy joyfully after that and took there seats when they arrived.

The bell rang for class to start but there sensei hasn't arrived along with Naruto and Sasuke.

A few minutes later they arrived short of breath.

"Why are you guys late. I woke you each up early. There's no reason for you guys to be late. And you Iruka should be acting as a role model after all you are a teacher." Somebody in a good reprimanded the 3 as they hung there heads in shame. The voice sounded oddly familiar. As the person finished up scolding them. Naruto came over and kissed her in the cheek and apologized. Then came Iruka who did the same. And then lastly sasuke who had a moody expression on his face. The figure took there hood off and glared at sasuke to which he immediately gave in and apologized and kissed her on the cheek.

Ino elbowed me as she gaped when the figure turned around.

I gasped in shock as I saw the unforgettable beautiful eyes as they stared after the sasuke and Naruto as they took there seats to which she also did.

It was lupa.


I'm really sorry I haven't updated on so long. Please forgive me I will try harder to update more often. I also apologize for the short chapter but I will work on that too. Please keep on reading my book. It'll make me extremely happy 😁😉😉😉.

- Evie

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