chapter 8

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Naruto's pov

I really really hate acting like an idiot here but it's for the good of the mission and I will make Amber proud of me.

I'm investigating that misaki guy.... I really can't stand him he asked me to get the secret scroll and I did I warned jiji first of course. I know he suspects me.... I'm really not a good actor.

No it's the fact that you're distracted by the way sasuke didn't push off that Ino girl. In other words you're jealous. Kyu cackled mind linking me.

I blushes bright red. Shut up kyu I'm in the middle of a mission. I responded sassily


Misaki hit me with the blunt of his blade in a attempt to knock me out and get the scroll.

I ran and his the scroll we're a little outside the village. The blood blocked my vision as I ran farther and farther. He caught me and  blew this purple powder in my face. I felt myself weakening. Paralyzing powder mixed with sleep powder huh who knew i probably shouldn't have held back....

stupid now ambers gonna kill me.....











Amber pov

I ran I had a bad feeling in my gut as I sensed two people nearby. Too late I sensed someone behind me they stabbed me with a sword.... Paralyzing poison who knew.... too bad it won't stop me.

I pulled the sword out and cut the guys hands off he screamed in agony and i gave him a smile he stared in horror and by then it was far too late for him to react. I cut his head off.

Man do these people even realize how hard it is to wash blood off? I grumbled upset

I took a step and wobbled, I saw black dots. What else was in that damn poison? I coughed up blood and I grimaced. I have to get to Naruto.

I kept running until I reached them. I saw that weirdo standing over my son who was passed out. What if he gave him the poison thats in me? Naruto wouldn't be able to survive. I have to get to him fast.

"D-don't touch my son" she said weakly a gaping wound in her stomach the poison getting worse

He laughed maniacally and grabbed the blonde boy by his golden hair stained red by blood.

" do you really think you can stop me now his body will help my master become even more powerful than he already is and I will get my reward and rule as his second in command" he gave an evil smile

"that is if the boy survives that is and does it compliantly if not we'll just throw him away like all the others" he continued

"I said DON'T TOUCH MY SON" her eyes turned a burning red that matched the flames surrounding her.  her voice a bit demonic wings sprang out one as black as night and one as silver as the pale moon. The evil chakra spilling out from her overwhelming misaki and making him choke as if it was a poisonous gas.

She walked towards him gracefully as her wound started closing up, the poison inside her burning up.

Her form rippled. Instead of her anbu kimono dress she was in a white Grecian style dress and black lace up sandal on her head there was a silver laurel leaf crown.

Her red ruby eyes glimmered and an evil maniacal sparkle was in her eyes. The closer she got the more fear struck him. Her cold smile on her angelic face too much for him to bear.

And then the evil chakra choking him was gone and he could breathe he clasped his hands at his neck as he took in deep breaths.

She grabbed him by his hair and punched him repeatedly...

That was the last anyone saw of misaki.







Authors pov

Naruto awoke a few hours later thanks to Amber knowing alot about antidotes and thank Kami she found a bit of the powder or else she wouldn't have been able to heal him.






Kuruma's pov

"What is it kyu..." she said softly

"The poison... it wasn't THAT was it?" He said curiously and wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her neck

"No... it isn't but it's close.... and I know who's behind it too... I'll be keeping an eye on them" her Amber eyes flashed into that mysterious ruby red In anger but then turning back to Amber as she felt kuruma turning her around to face him,  a smirk on his handsome face.

" kyu I don't think now is the time for tha-" he cut her off with a kiss that got more passionate and heated. He liked it when he saw her slowly giving in with a soft blush on her angelic face looking at him with a heated gaze. He smirked and pulled her close and pressed his nose against her neck and smelling her sweet Scent like a mixture of vanilla roses and pomegranates.

"What was that ami-chan?" He chuckled as she gave him an annoyed look at his nickname for her.

She kicked out one of his legs and he fell backwards on to the bed he looked up in surprise. His breathe taken away as he saw her beautiful face above him in the moonlight. She straddled him and kissed him deeply and passionately.

No way am I letting you take control ami-chan

He flipped them over so that Amber was on the bottom and continued the kiss running his hands up her sides.

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