chapter 13

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kakashi's POV

We reached the uzumaki residence and let's just say it was quite beautiful beyond the gate they had to keep others out.

The front of the beautiful traditional Japanese home had a giant oak tree in the front along with a swing set.

It was quite cute but the most amazing part of the large residence was the beautiful garden filled with roses gardenias hyacinths it was breathtaking hell those were the only flowers I could recognize among that bunch I'm pretty sure there's even more behind the residence.

Sasuke, Sai, and Naruto awaited us as soon as we entered. They bowed.

"welcome back" they said with angelic smiles. I stood there in shock.

"that's normal you might want to get used to it. They might be a rowdy bunch sometimes but they've been drilled with manners" Iruka whispered to me as we removed our shoes and walked in.

I shook out of my stupor and followed iruka.

"oh. You're finally home. Welcome back." Amber said and kissed kurama on the cheek softly.

"I invited kakashi for dinner if that's alright sis...." iruka said softly. Amber smiled and pulled him into a hug kissing him on the cheek.

"this is your home as well iruka. We're happy you invited a friend along"

Kakashi was surprised with the amount of affection she showed.

Well it is her home I guess...

Kakashi bowed to Amber it seems like she's the head of house around this residence. "thank you for inviting me along"

Amber surprised him by hugging him and leading him into the living room.

She's what I imagine a mom would've been like.

"sit and rest here for a bit. I'm sure iruka and the boys will entertain you somehow." she threw them a a glance and they each nodded their head smiling. " dinner will be ready in a bit I'll call you when it's time. Kurama will you be making dessert?"

The boys straightened their backs and each gave kurama puppy dog eyes. kurama twitched and then rolled his eyes. "I'll be there in a bit just let me wash my hands, sweetie."

Amber nodded and walked to where I assume the kitchen was located and kurama disappeared in a flash.

"are they always like that?" I asked. The boys turned to me and cocked their heads in sync.

That's kinda creepy....

"like what?" iruka asked as he sat beside me on the couch.

"parent like?" iruka laughed slightly


"what about the cooking thing. I'm confused. who cooks?"

"Amber cooks the meals and stuff but she's mediocre at baking so kurama takes over in that area since hes mediocre at cooking and exceptional at baking. They balance each other nicely. We usually help with the cooking and stuff but I guess we're being granted a pass kind of sad because it's usually quite fun helping around" iruka smiled happily.

What a great family.

Naruto giggled. "is that what you want iruka?" he asked in amusement.

"who wouldn't?" iruka sighed. Naruto's nodded along with the boys.

Sasuke seeing the look of confusion on my face quickly explained.

"he meant their relationship." he said quietly. I nodded thoughtfully.

From what I'd seen I could see why.

"why don't we go help them out then? You guys seem to want to and I'd gladly help" I said standing up. The boys ran excitedly to the kitchen.

"what are you guys doing in here?" kurama asked in amusement.

"we wanted to help" I said and he nodded.

kurama quickly told who to go where. I ended up helping Amber along with Naruto while iruka, sasuke and Sai helped kurama. Sai and sasuke most likely to eat the cake batter....

To my surprise it actually was quite fun and we finished the job quickly and quickly moved onto washing the dishes no longer in use.

Long story short we ended having a water and bubble fight and had to clean that up too but it was still quite nice.

My cheeks and stomach hurt from all the laughing.

Dinner was almost ready so I helped Sai set up the table while the boys brought in the dishes and Amber and kurama served them.

We had steak,mashed potatoes, buttered green beans and a side salad. Dessert was a pretty vanilla cake. The meal was fantastic and I thanked them profusely for inviting me to which they all laughed at and said I was invited anytime I wanted

I was really happy with how today went and was kind of dissapointed when it was almost time to go home. They invited me for dinner Friday as well kurama planned on making lemon meringue pie when I mentioned it was my favorite dessert.

"kurama be a good boy and walk kakashi home" Amber said. I was about to protest but then I remembered what I was gonna ask him.

It was sweet that she worried about me too....


-XOXO angel

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