Stardate 1313.5

152 11 7

To think, after all the time I spent telling myself I wouldn't be next, that I would fall victim to the same unforgiving sickness that my great great grandmother and grandmother had. Not me, never me... At least that's what I thought.

It's been three-thousand years since the Osiris was launched. In year 2037 Earth was declared uninhabitable, pollution having grown so bad that green house gasses were scorching earth's surface, fires ravaging the land and boiling the oceans, or so it's been told. I know nothing but the cold metal insides of this ship. Osiris is a mega space craft created to sustain our lives, that is, until we find a new inhabitable planet. For generations my family tree has plunged its roots into this craft's cold metal, but unfortunately my family has a extremely rare disease that skips generations, a disease my mother didn't have. Unfortunately for me I wouldn't quite live up to our life expectancy which was 120+ years of age.. This disease developed about 250+ years ago and so far has only been witnessed in my family. Our doctors don't know what causes it, but it effects our blood, turning it black and causing our bodies to become septic and shut down. We die from the inside out.  Great-great grandmother, grandmother, me. My brothers of course would be fine, the Disease only Impacts women in our family... No one knows why.

It was the morning of the September 27th, year 5037. I awoke drenched in my own sweat, with a horrible pain in my stomach. Dragging myself from my bed and into the bathroom I stared into the mirror, clenching my stomach with one hand and leaning against the counter with the other. As I stared in the mirror I noticed something wrong, something terrifying... The veins within my eyes, weren't red... They, they were black!
Terror comsumed me and I screamed out for my mother "M-MOM!?" my voice echoed through our small apartment.

I felt what I thought was just panic swell up from deep within my stomach, dragging itself up into my mouth. I coughed leaning over the sink, watching as a thick black substance splattered from my mouth into the bottom of the sink, sliding slowly towards the drain. I looked up at myself, thick black blood dripping from my bottom lip. This couldn't be happening, not to me... I was fine, I was perfectly fine just last night... I coughed up more of the tar like substance as I made my way to my mother's room, since she hadn't answered my cry for her. I told her what was happening, and she made me lay down as she called the doctor. When the doctor arrived he informed her there was nothing he could do and promptly left. She kneeled down at the side of my bed and held my hands crying and praying for god's mercy even though she knew, nothing could save me now. My mother was Catholic, as one of the few religions that survived the major migration to the Osiris was Catholicism. My family had always been heavy based in Catholicism, so it wasn't strange that she prayed for me now. The Catholic religion had changed over the past few thousand years compared to the old books. I remember hearing her soft cries for mercy "Please god.. please spare my baby, please.. please... Please.... Take me instead..but don't take my precious Elizabeth.." Her prayers were broken up by her sobs and she kept her warm hands clasped tightly around mine, her long fingers entwined with my fingers, shaking. My mother, she raised me on her own, along with my two older twin brothers. Our father died as a technician working on the outside of Osiris, he was lost in space.

I closed my eyes in pain, it felt like my insides were boiling away. My body hurt, and my eyes and lips were dry and stinging. I was sweating profusely, and I felt like I couldn't move. I looked at my mother and smiled, then told her "I love you mommy, please don't cry..." before closing my eyes again. It felt better this way. I felt her shift, leaning to kiss me on the forehead, her warm tears gently splashing against the burning skin of my cheeks.

She began sobbing over me, but her sobs slowly grew silent and my mind faded dark. My pain was gone. My mother's touch, gone. I felt nothing, I saw nothing... It was cold and my mind was adrift. I couldn't wake up but it wasn't a bad thing, it was peaceful. I sat up in this darkness to look around, it seemed like hours that I had rested in this darkness, it being nothing but emptiness, so silent it was loud. Then I was engulfed with light, and a voice called to me but I ignored it. I looked around, my surroundings beginning to become visible. I was in my room looking down, my mother was crying and laying across my chest. I looked asleep, smiling seemingly lost in a single moment. I knew that I was dead, there was nothing that could have saved me. I knew I was dead the moment I saw my eyes this morning, I knew my mom couldn't save me, or the doctor. I didn't want to die alone. I wasn't ready to move on yet, not yet...

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