Lights & Strangers

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    It has been so long, yet my consciousness seems to continue Drifting in and out, It all goes Black and in those moments I'm not aware its happening, I only notice when I come to; The Universe is a very fascinating thing.

    Just then a small glint of light hit my eye; infront of me floated a necklace my great grandmother gave me; it was beautiful. A gold chain holding a small teal gem, gemstones, gold, silver and other jewelry were so expensive on the Osiris infact they were so rare it was a sign of pure wealth if you had any. Though my family was not wealthy. As I watched the beautiful stone float weightlessly infront of me. My mind silent, as my eyes focused softly. Before I never would have found this was possible, life beyond death that is. But I'm still here, and things seem less impossible.

   For hours me and my body drifted onwards through space, it dancing and racing around me; asteroids, comets, planets, and stars. Slowly my mind grew silent again and once again things began to fade black.

    I awoke in consciousness, as the coffin that held my body was enveloped in light, I hadn't been able to get more then two yards away from my body, I was still connected to it and unable to move on. I looked for the source of the light, of that I could not find. I looked around in all directions what was happening, Then it began to fade black again, why does this happen?

   Once I came to again I found myself, in very weird situation. As I looked around my coffin was on a table surrounded by beings of true beauty, they had skin the color of milk, pure white, some had black markings on their skin and some had silver speckles on their skin. Their eyes where black, they were dressed in white robes with golden trim, I don't think they weren't human but they were graceful.. I'm positive these were what people would call extraterrestrials.

These beings were observing and touching my body, they began speaking but I couldn't hear them, you can't really hear anything when you're dead.. They took my necklace, my blood and a piece of skin from my chest.. which was odd but I didn't need my body anymore so what did it matter? It began to fade back to black.

I'm not sure how much time has passed this time.. but I no longer felt connected to my body, infact I didn't see it anywhere. Looking around I realised I was in some kind of cylinder tank, a tube of sorts filled with liquid. Next to me floated a body, that kinda looked like me but, It had the same characteristics of the graceful beings from before. I Scanned the room to find their were no other occupants, the room was dark, the floors and walls were metallic.  Thin pulsing trails of  teal lights ran across the floor, walls and ceiling.
       Looking back at the body that looked like me, I noticed that It appeared to be sleeping. Skin white as milk with light grey markings that trailed its body, luminescent freckles on its cheeks, shoulders, knees, and hips. It had long black silky hair that floated gracefully in this strange liquid, its lips were black with pointed ears and a long hairless tail with grey stripes and a black tip.  It was very beautiful, I know this may sound strange but I enjoy looking at it, well.. her?

My vision and consciousness pulsed as I felt a strange force pulling me towards the bottom of the cylinder tank, the thick liquid was draining out, as I was pulled to the bottom of the tank so was the body, as the liquid drained it left her in fetal position on top of the drain, she moved slightly and I felt my consciousness stir, I watched and she moved her fingers, unclenching her fists; as she did this stars burst into my vision and I lost consciousness it all fading black.

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