New Awakening

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    Once I came too, I was overwhelmed with senses and emotions, I felt life flourishing within me; bursting at the seams like the birth of one hundred suns! I opened my eyes to be met with light, My ears were ringing loudly but they soon picked up sounds, voices; that of which I did not understand, but I could hear again. My vision was blurred, but I could feel, my body was warm, I could move my hands and feet, I inhaled deeply as I came to, my lungs were filled with air, my nose filled with new smells, as my vision cleared I was met with new sights. I sat up looking around, finding my eyesight much better than it once was, as my eyes searched and scanned focusing closely, relaying information back to my mind. I found my eyes locked on a strange symbol on a wall; a symbol that compelled me towards it. But I was soon greeted with the faces of strangers, who had been near me the whole time, turning my attention to them I remained silent.

    The being appearing oldest spoke to me in a tongue I could not comprehend, the being gently touched my forehead, as she did  information filled my brain bursting in like broken flood gates. Who these beings are and their language, my mind pounded as excess information poured into my Psyche, The beings were known as Lystella which loosely translates to 'The Star Guardians' They have been around since the beginning of existence, they are beings of immortality; meaning they can not die from old age or sickness, though they can be killed with a special weapon. The language they spoke would be incomprehensible to humans and mortal organisms, but there are a select few who can learn and understand it, and these are those who carry Lystella blood within them. Carriers of Lystella blood are rare and only run in my family; do to an incident many years ago, when a Lystella fell inlove with a human and in an attempt to stop her from aging he infused her with some of his blood. This made her semi-Immortal to aging but not illness, She died shortly after from a reaction to his blood sent her body into shock, but before she died she delivered a special baby, a hybrid between human and Lystella. She died of what humans declared to be unknown causes, but she was the beginning of Lystella Kin. After the Lystellian elder transferred this information to me she removed her hand and she spoke again.

   "Hello, We mean you no harm , and I am sure you have many questions.. my name is Stynayia, and you are Lystella Kin.."

    While Stynayia spoke I observed my new skin, looking at my hands and arms, I scanned the different markings and freckles, Just then noticing my control over another foreign limb, I felt it move behind me, turning my attention to look I found myself with a tail, a beautiful one at that.
    This situation could've been worse, I wasn't to upset in all honesty; and it was much better than the alternative, floating through space and all. But I couldn't remember my name, I could remember my family, and the Osiris and almost everything from my previous life, but not something as simple as my name?

    "Why cant I, Remember what my name is.. ? I can remember other things"  The voice that came from my mouth was calm and sultry, and It was not English, I could tell it was a different language but It felt more natural to me than english ever did. I hadn't processed the new information yet in my mind, Lystella Kin..

   Stynayia smiled and nodded "Because it was not your true name.." she said so calmly I almost thought it was a joke.

   "Not.. my true name? What does that mean?" I asked in a almost dumbfounded way.

  "It means exactly what I said, that name wasn't your true name, Lystella are born with names given to them by the universe and you were born with a name as well. Amynta is your true name, and a good name it is."

   She smiled at me placing her hand on my shoulder, her skin was more of a light grey than a milky white with clear white markings that trailed her skin, her eyes were solid black and she had long black hair that was up in a messy bun that of which showed off her pointed elf-like ears. A clear pear shaped body, she was on the thicker side but that wasn't bad it suited her well. She wore a black form fitting dress that was cut with V's on the hips to show her thighs,  golden trim ran along the edges of the dress and foreign writing down the left side, I'm sure she had a tail, but  I could'nt see it: She was beautiful.

   "Amynta? Thats my name?.. I like it, but do you think... I could be called Amy for short?" I asked respectfully.

     Stynayia smiled and nodded "of course you can, It's your name after all. But thats enough with the formalities, you have somewhere to be." She said gesturing for me to get up out of the bed, As I stood up I noticed I was naked, for the most part Lystella anatomy seemed to be very similar to human anatomy, except Lystella were much less hairy infact the only hair they seemed to have was on their heads.

   Stynayia directed me to a mirror that displayed a screen next to it "Pick out something nice to wear, let me know when you're done." She said moving away to another part of the room.

    I looked into mirror and as I did a automated voice began to speak to me in Lystellian "Greetings Amynta, What would you like to wear today?" It asked while soon displaying several different options for me to choose from, I clicked on dresses "Okay, what type of dress are you looking for?" It asked displaying several different options once more, I chose a dress named Maxi, it was black Like everything else. "Alright, is this your final decision?" It asked, a window popped up that offered the choice between yes or no. I chose yes, "Okay please stand still with yours arms straight out beside you as I scan your body type." A small metallic door opened next to the mirror and a orb floated out, "Scanning now, please remain still" The orb said, the same voice from the mirror as it floated around me up and down flashing a small purple light up while circling me. "Scan complete, Pear shape confirmed." The orb returned to the small door in the wall and it closed. A narrow rectangle door below the first door opened and four orbs floated out "Please remain still" they spoke in unison, they began circling me as they released small particle clouds, these clouds surrounded me, their molecular structure changed as they soon formed the dress around me, at first it was stiff but after the last cloud joined, the fabric shifted and was loose and comfortable. "You are now dressed, have a good day Amynta" the voice said as the orbs returned to the door and it closed.
     I was amazed, they were much more advanced than we were on the Osiris, clothes were usually scratchy, itchy, and uncomfortable when you used autodress, and sometimes they wouldn't form right so you got stuck with semi-finished clothes. But this version was much better. "Stynayia, where are we?" I asked turning to her, They did not wear shoes none of the Lystellian people did it seemed.

    Stynayia looked at me and smiled "That dress looks amazing on you" she said looking at a device in her hand. "You are on Amaranthine; its not really a place, more of a plain of existence; Amaranthine means timeless because in this dimension time is not so much a construct as it is an illusion, a trick of the mind. Earth and your known universe exists on a lower plain than ours, we exist on an upper tier, think of it as a cake, consisting of 27 different layers of dimensions. The Highest dimension is the icing on the cake known as Heaven, Paradise, and many beings from many dimensions and or realms  long to be a part of that so called icing, but it will never happen naturally, Heaven is a dimension of pure energy, physical life can not exist in it, though the inhabitants of heaven can project themselves into the minds of any being in other dimensions. Oh goodness me, I'm sorry; information overload right?" She exhaled "There is just so much I want to teach you but, in good time I suppose.."

   A shorter Lystella tapped Stynayia on the shoulder and quietly interjected "mam'. she'll be late if we don't depart soon.."  this Lystellian was milky white with black marking including the other two in the room they seemed to be servants of sorts they kept their head's down and didn't speak much at all, their eyes were white, including the one who had just spoke.  "I understand Izarra, we will be leaving shortly.."she dismissed the girl. Stynayia looked at me and took my hand "we have somewhere to be dear, lets get going." She said was we left the be room of my awakening.

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