The New Queen

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     Warm air rushed in from the open door, I looked back at Stynayia who gestured for me to go on. I smiled nervously, exactly what was beyond that door I wondered. Stynayia could tell I was nervous, she took my hand and walked with me through the door. My eyes dilated quickly as bright light bombarded me , I could hear the cheers of thousands. By time my mind processed my surroundings I was standing on a large balcony looking down upon a massive number of people. The balcony was only one of several extremities attached to the massive space ship. Looking to my right and left, the outer wall of the space ship stretched beyond my Field of vision. Along with being on the spaceship it was perched in the center of a massive arena. Rows upon rows of stone seats held hundreds of thousands of people.

       Beyond the arena stretched the city; that seemingly reached for the heavens. The buildings were massive, blocky and made of what I assume to be a clay or stone. Nothing I had ever seen before, It was beautiful, extraordinary. This city was mostly sand. The civilization didn't seem very advanced. To add to that the lystellas here looked very different from the few I've met so far. These lystellas wore white robes and head raps that allowed only their eyes too show. I observed the landscape infront of me and quickly took notice of the fact, this planet had two suns; a large reddish one and a small golden sun. It was very hot outside, but the heat didn't seem to impact my body at all.

I looked back at Stynayia for guidance because she put me infront of these people "what am I supposed to do?" I asked quietly. She smiled and whispered "Just wave and smile, make it known that you are friendly, you are their new Queen after all." As Stynayia said this my eyes widened, a queen? I Looked back over the balcony and waved with a caring smile. "This is only one of four planets you will soon hopefully be in charge of. This planet is known Mosaga, which simply means, world of sand." Stynayia said calmly.

I looked over and stepped back away from the balcony as a female lystella  from this planet approached me quickly "Your Majesty!" she exclaimed dropping to her knees and bowing in a very respectful way. In front of her she held a box. Stynayia gestured for the girl to approach. I couldn't see anything but her eyes, bright white eyes that seemed vast and never ending. As she approached me she continued to speak, I could see her skin around her eyes, it was dark. "Please accept this gift from all the people of Mosaga!" She opened the box and extended the small box to me, inside was a beautiful necklace with beads that looked like sand and laced with golden streaks. Stynayia took the box and clipped the necklace around my neck it hung rather low, just below my breasts. I smiled at the female "Thankyou! It's beautiful!" I said with a smile and the female nodded bowing again. "No thankyou your majesty!" She removed her head scarf allowing it to rest on her shoulders, she smiled at me "My name is Deva, I serve under you, and while you're not around I help control order here on Mosaga, I will forever be loyal to you my queen." She spoke with a respectful tone of voice. Deva was very beautiful and very tall; her skin was as black as cole and she had golden markings that trailed her body. Deva's hair was up in a pony tail it was long and grey. "Your highness" she pulled out a letter from a pocket I hadn't noticed before and handed it to me. "An invitation to join us for a feast tommorrow evening, in honor of your arrival!" She bowed her head as she spoke. I looked at Stynayia, she nodded before she said "It won't hurt to stay a few extra days your highness" and took the invitation from me. I smiled looking back at Deva "I would be more than happy to join the feast Deva!" I positively stated.

Deva bowed "Thankyou your majesty! I must be off there is much to tend to!" She put the scarf back around her face and walked quickly away. Stynayia touched my shoulder to get my attention, looking back at Stynayia she spoke "How do you feel your 'Majesty?'" she smiled. "I will inform everyone of your decision, wait here." She approached the balcony, closed her eyes and clicked her tongue before speaking. When she did this her voice entered my mind. "The Queen will be attending the feast!" Her voice lulled softly in my mind. While she was speaking to us telepathically, the markings on her body were emitting a soft glow.
Stynayia opened her eyes as the glow vanquished and she approached me. "Lets go Amynta, we have alot to talk about and I have alot to tell you." With that said she guided me inside through a new door that was in the same place as the first.  Curiosity raged through my whole being like a heard of stampeding bulls. Amazing thoughts of things I could only Imagine to come next flourished within my mind.

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