The Truth

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Stynayia lead me down a vast empty corridor cluttered with wooden doors. We passed every one of them, until finally we stopped at a door slightly taller than the rest. It was beautifully carved, yet no where to be seen was a knob or handle. I looked at Stynayia feeling puzzled, but she simply smiled at me as she placed her hand on the center of the door. Expanding hair-line strings of light crept across the surface of the door. Eventually these strings engulfed the entire door, and with a slight flash of light the door was gone. I stared in child-like amazement, it was like nothing I had ever witnessed before. Stynayia waved her hand to get my attention, she was smiling and seemed very amused by my childish actions. "Come on Amy... there is so much more..." With that said Stynayia entered the now opened room, and shortly after I followed, looking around to observe my temporary new environment. I jumped as the door formed back in the blink of an eye, emitting a loud electric crack. The room itself was rather plain, except for a large table that sat in the center surrounded by chairs. The walls were metallic and decorated with pulsing, thin, defined paths of light, the floor and ceiling looked the same. Stynayia was next to the table and had already pulled out two chairs for us. "Hurry now..." she said with a slight chuckle. I walked quickly and sat down in one of the chairs as Stynayia sat in the other, simply smiling at me. "Stynayia, why didn't you tell me that I was a queen?" I asked in a very daft way.
"About that, you aren't the queen. Not yet at least!-"

"I don't understand."

"Well you see, you're not the only successor to the throne. You are the only Lystella-kin between lystella and human, but there is another type of Lystella-kin - one between Lystella and Symija."

"Symija? Who are they?"

"I'm glad you asked, Symija are a race of Brute warriors. They are a blood-thirsty and lustful race. They haven't fought a war in many years, but that is a a very fortunate thing. Symija are also very protective of the things they love, so be very careful when you interact with them. Hurt feelings are as bad as broken bones in their culture. Never challenge their strength or pride; because they won't back down from conflict. "

"Goodness, I don't think I want to meet them..."

"Nonsense! Of course you do! You must! It's not really an option for you. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
But, in time there will be a competition between you and the Symija."

"A competition?"

"Yes a competition, though nothing of the physical sorts. Its more like a talent show, followed by speeches given by both parties to win votes. Whoever has more votes becomes our king or queen."

"Stynayia, I don't think I can do this..."

"Don't worry so much, I'm here to help you through this! Lystellas always win the competition! You just have to memorize your speech and learn a talent or two." She said with a positive attitude and a smile.

I looked at her and nodded "I'm good at singing... I think that's the only talent I have though." I said with a shrug.
She laughed a bit then looked at me in a very demeaning way. "Silly girl, a talent is nothing like that! Come on-" she said standing abruptly. She approached a door that hadn't been there previously.

I followed her with growing fascination. This door appeared to be made from thick tangled vines, and as she placed her hand on the door the vines untangled and opened up. Bright light flooded in through the opening, and a pleasant smell invaded my senses. I smiled as I followed Stynayia once again into a wonderous new experience.

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