Chapter 3: The Invasion

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In the early morning when the Sun had just begun to rise, a large group of civilians gathered around outside a government building in Metropolis City with some people holding signs that showed their displeasure against nuclear weapons. In front of them was a guy wearing a beany and holding on to a loud hailer, voicing his displeasure on the country's accumulation of nuclear armed weapons. "They stalk piled enough nuclear missiles to destroy our entire planet, and yet they continue to build more. We demand they stop this madness!" Pumping his fist into the air, the group of protesters followed suit, shouting and demanding the production of nuclear weapons to be stopped.

While the protests were ongoing, inside the government building, an international meeting was being held. Representatives from each country were sent to participate in the meeting with regards to whether the use and production of nuclear weaponry is necessary. The Japan representative stood up, gathering the attention of all, "My people believe that lasting peace can only be achieved by eliminating these weapons of mass destruction." Said Japan's representative as he voiced his opinion.

"Nonsense." America's representative retorted. "Those weapons are our only defense against aggression!" He argued, trying to show the importance of continue the production of the nuclear weapons.

"No general." Said Carter, as he walked up the platform towards speaker's table. J. Allen Carter, the astronaut who went on a mission on Mars a few months ago, came back and was elected as a member of the U.S. Senate.

"But senator Carter, only a fool would-" The general of the U.S. army rebuked but was cut off by the senator.

"Listen, when I was an astronaut on Mars, I survived an experience which profoundly changed my life. Looking at Earth at that distance, I saw for the first time how small and fragile our planet is. Its fate is in our hands." Everyone quietly listened at Carter speaking of his personal life experiences. He paused before continuing, "Ladies and gentlemen this is a responsibility we must not take lightly. Therefore today I propose a bold new solution for peace, one that would use a force more powerful than any before, a force dedicated to the good of all mankind, a force known to all as Superman!" Declared Carter with force as he ended his speech.

As the guards opened the doors, Superman walked in, catching the attention of all who were currently present in the meeting hall, causing whispers and comments on the Man of Steel. Superman walked onto the presentation stage and shook hands with J. Carter before the General spoke up again.

"With all due respect Senator, but we can't just entrust the security of the entire world to one man." Argued the general, not trusting the idea that Superman can alone protect the entire Earth should any danger occur.

Upon hearing his opinion, Superman walked up to the speaker's table and to try and convince the general to believe in him. "I understand your feelings general. When Senator Carter first approached me, I was reluctant to get involved. But after meeting with him and his advisers, I became convinced that I could make a difference. I have fought hard over the years to earn their trust, and I solemnly swear to all of you that I will continue to uphold the ideals and justice for everyone, not just for America, but for all of mankind." Applause filled the hall as the Man of Steel made his oath, ending the meeting.

Flying high above in the skies, a certain black haired Saiyan observed the city. It was pretty much the same back in his home except this planet clearly does not have hover-cars. It was in the morning and the city was populated from people going off to work and carrying on with their daily life. This nostalgic feeling made his emotions stir a little but it was all in the past now. Right now, this was his home, he will be living the rest of his life here in this dimension, on this planet which was too, called the Earth. "Alright, time to see what else this planet has to offer." Vegito said to himself as he sped off to tour the planet. Thus, Vegito spent his entire days sightseeing, visiting other countries while staying in the skies throughout as he wanted to familiarize himself with his new home.

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