Chapter 6: The Imperium

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Lightning stuck from yellow cumulonimbus clouds that filled the skies of the city Metropolis. A bio-mechanical alien factory stood, taller than the neighboring buildings, as it continues to drill into the Earth while pumping out more of the yellowish toxic gas into the atmosphere. By now, the entire city had fallen into darkness as the gas had already spread throughout, blocking out the sun. The invaders got what they desired, eternal darkness.

On the roof of a building not far from where the alien factory was, Vegito and J'onn landed from their flight. It was where they were going to meet up with the others.

"Hey J'onn." Asked Vegito. "For what purpose do you think the heroes of this Earth hide their true identity?"

"For many reasons. Sone do not wish for their civilian life to be affected and yet they wish to be the hero of their people, while others simply hide their identites for various safety reasons." J'onn replied.

"Back in my world, we don't really see the point in hiding our identities. We are what we are, helping people openly, doing things honestly without having to hide anything from anyone." Vegito said as he recalled his memories.

"I guess it's each to their own preferences. Though, I'm never putting on one of those silly looking costumes." Vegito chuckled.

"You seem pretty wise from the way you speak." J'onn smiled as he complimented him.

"Hey, two minds in one remember?" Vegito joked while pointing to his temple.

A red blur sped up the building, followed by John whose greenish aura disappeared as he landed beside Flash. They were soon greeted with Diana who was carrying a wounded Batman.

Making sure that she does not aggravate his injuries, Diana gently placed Batman down on the roof as everyone gathered.

"What happened to Bats?" Flash was the first to show concern. As the fastest man alive, he has got to be the fastest in showing concern too.

"He got shot by one of the foot soldiers while we were trying to escape the factory." Diana replied.

Batman grunted as the wound stung. He knew that he would not be able to carry on fighting in his current condition as much as he hates it.

"He can't fight alongside us anymore, not with a leg like that." John's remark only gotten him a bat glare which caused him to back off briefly.

"Green Lantern is right. You will only aggravate your wound if you were to continue fighting." J'onn agreed with the Green Lantern.

"I don't need you guys to tell me what I can or cannot do. It is my decision whether I can continue fighting or not." Batman cringed as a sharp pain came from his wound.

"Stop being so stubborn!" Diana reprimanded as she felt irritated by his actions.

Vegito sighed as he unfolded his arms as he knelt down beside Batman.

"What are you-?" Batman said in his usual demanding voice but Vegito cut him off by placing his palm above the wound, which a yellow glow formed around his palm as Vegito concentrated. The wounds on Batman's leg healing rapidly.

"There, as good as new." Said Vegito as he stood up, satisfied with the result. Batman's eyes widened in disbelief the moment he tried flexing his leg muscles. It was like the injury was never there to begin with.

"Now that was unexpected. You have healing powers as well?" Green Lantern remarked.

"Cool! Now we have a medic on our team." Flash joked.

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