Chapter 7: Justice League

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Picking itself up, the Imperium leader got furious. The nerve of that lowly life form hitting it across the room!

"You dare oppose me, the supreme Imperium leader?!"

The voice of the black egg-shaped alien leader boomed from within its body, directing its frustration towards the Saiyan who sent him flying across the room. Vegito merely smirked and gestured with his fingers, signalling the Imperium leader to come at him. It had enough of his taunts, that human shall be eradicated.

"Troops! Eliminate them!"

Upon receiving their orders, the alien foot soldiers aimed their guns at the team and fired ruby-red beams towards their target.

The team spread out as the battle begun. The Flash zip-lined past a few of the aliens, knocking them off their feet before they even saw him coming. One moment they were firing their weapons, the next moment they found themselves being knocked backwards onto the ground. Hawk Girl glided across the room, evading the beams while her magical mace crackling with intense electric-like energy.

"Raaaaagh!" Hawk Girl screamed fiercely before smashing her way through several alien foot soldiers, splattering their remains all over. Her battle sense told her enemies were approaching from behind as she spun around only to have a green and round spiked ball of energy appearing out of nowhere, grinding through the aliens.

"You're welcome." Green Lantern said as the green spiked ball of energy dissipated.

J'onn, using his super strength, punched the living daylights out of each alien foot soldier, making use of his ability to become intangible to evade the laser beams fired at him. Some of the aliens ended up killing their allies or taking each other out.

Batman jump-rolled and dodged incoming laser beams while flinging exploding Batarangs that impaled the aliens on their heads before exploding, the area-of-effect taking out the surrounding alien foot soldiers. Diana simply deflected the beams with her bracelets back towards the enemy, blasting parts of their bodies off.

Superman, abusing his seemingly indestructible body, flew with both his fists placed out in front and plowed through a great deal of the alien forces, reducing their number significantly.

Vegito had his arms folded since the start of the battle, using only his legs to take out his opponents. The aliens stopped firing at him awhile ago due to him evading and returning back to his original position so quick that it seemed like the beams passed right through him, taking out their own kind standing on the opposite, making them believe that he was somehow immune to ranged attacks. Thus stopped firing and surrounded him where after a brief moment of intense stare-down, they rushed on the melee offense, only to be sent flying in random directions by Vegito's kicks. What he said next insulted their pride, if they had any.

"You guys disappoint me. At least try to entertain me."

The fake Carter stood near the platform near the ship that his leader took, horrified at the sudden change in development. It was then his leader came and prepared to board the ship. Their forces were diminishing at an exponential rate and as much as he hated it, a retreat was necessary. A beam of translucent white light surrounded the Imperium leader as it prepared to load its target back onto the ship. Fake carter took the chance to escape as well, joining his leader as the ship levitated them both up to the ship.

"And don't even try to escape!" Vegito shouted as he kicked one of the aliens towards the escaping two.

The Imperium leader saw this and wrapped his tentacles around his pawn beside him before flinging him towards the incoming body, saving his own life by sacrificing his men. The alien bodies crashed into each other, knocking out the fake Carter as both bodies fell.

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