Chapter 9: War World

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"Something's approaching us." J'onn alerted, typing furiously on the console.

"I'm picking up a wormhole activity, and it's massive."

Just as the martian predicted, a wormhole expanded from its center to about the size of the Earth, appearing a distance outside the Earth's orbit. What caught everyone's attention was a machine looking planet coming out of it. As the mysterious planet made itself fully visible, the wormhole shrunk in size till it vanished completely.

Diana let out a shocked expression, "By the Gods... What is that?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely inhabited. I'm sensing a huge number of Ki signatures from it." Vegito noted.

The mention of "Ki" by Vegito caught Batman's attention. "By Ki, do you mean life force?" The Dark Knight queried.

"That's right." Vegito replied.

Suddenly something protruded from the surface of the planet, pointing in the direction of Earth. It was a rod where there were discs evenly spaced out along it with a sphere as its tip. It looked like a giant planetary railgun.

"Uh guys, I think you might want to save the chit chat for later cuz I think we're in trouble." The Flash remarked while staring at the supposed threat.

"Greetings Earthlings." An toned yellow skinned alien with reddish eyes appeared on the screen, surprising the league.

Superman was the first to respond, "Who are you?"

"My name is Mongul and I have come to recruit your planet's strongest to compete against fighters gathered from around the universe, right here on War World." Replied the alien, now known as Mongul.

Not wanting to get into any sort of unnecessary fighting, Superman politely rejected, "I'm sorry, but I don't think-"

"Oh but I insist you take up on my offer, cuz if you don't, you can say goodbye to your planet." Mongul threatened.

The league was now in quite a pinch. They had to accept Mongul's offer or Earth will be blasted to smithereens.

"Alright, we accept. But if anything happens to Earth, I will personally come for you." Superman warned.

"You have my word." The alien smirked.

"In that case, mind if I volunteer myself?" Vegito spoke up, eager to fight against strong opponents.

"We'll all be going as well." Superman responded.

Mongul gave a satisfied grin, "Splendid, but only one of you will be participating, that's the rule. The rest of you will be on the benches as spectators."

As soon as he was done, the league found themselves teleported into what seems to be a rundown city. And before them was a gigantic colosseum with aliens of different species pouring into the entrance. Hawk Girl noticed that Vegito was not with them and spoke through the earpiece communicator in hopes of contacting the Saiyan, "Vegito, this is Hawk Girl. Vegito."

All that was heard was static noises. Hawk Girl cursed under her breath, "Something's jamming the communication signal. I can't get through to Vegito."

"I'm guessing he's probably teleported to a different location where the other competitors are." Batman answered.

Superman followed up with a suggestion, "Then our best option would be to enter the colosseum and observe the situation for now."

Vegito found himself in a dark prison like area and immediately felt the presence of quite a few "strong" individuals. They were significantly weaker than he was and to be honest, he was a little disappointed. "Well, beggars can't be choosers." Vegito sighed mentally. Looking around, he noticed the other aliens coming over as they noticed his arrival.

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