Chapter 1

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I kept turning in bed, not being able to sleep, I kept thinking about her, the girl with no name, the girl with the empty eyes, the girl who acted like she didn't care about anything, the girl who wanted to be heartless, yet I knew there was something behind that wall she had built around her and that I needed to break it, and found out what she was hiding.

I decided to go for a walk again, I didn't care what time it was, I needed something to keep my mind off her. To keep myself busy.

But it didn't go as planned, I didn't know where I was going, but somehow I ended in the same place where I'd met her before, what was wrong with me? I wanted to forget her and I was here again? Except this time, she wasn't here, it was just me, or so I thought, just when I was about to leave, I saw something shining in the dark, I walked towards it.

There she was, sat in the floor, a cigarette in one hand, a vodka bottle in the other.

“hey” I said. She looked at me, but didn't answer, her eyes didn't show any emotion.

I sat next to her.

She kept drinking taking long sips, I didn't know what to do, did she want me to be here? Should I leave?

“Are you OK?” she looked at me again. And nodded

“you sure?”

another nod.

“you don't look like it, I mean, you are here by your own, drinking a whole bottle of vodka”

she took a last sip before throwing the empty bottle away.

“don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine.”

and with that she stood up and started to walk away, surprisingly she didn't look drunk, as if her body was used to that much alcohol.


she turned around, “yes?”

“ you haven't tell me your name yet”

“I know.”

And with that she left, disappearing, leaving me alone in the dark.

“her name is Victoria.” a voice said behind me, making me jump.

I turned around to see a girl about my age, her wavy light brown hair reached down to her chest, he blue eyes shining in the dark.

“ you know her”?

“ we used yo be friends, that's until last year. My name is Silje , by the way.”

“I'm Zayn, what happened?”

“ I don't know, last summer she was nice, caring, don't know, normal, then, this summer when I got here, I went to see her, to find a different person.” she said, sadness in her tone.

“ so you're not from here?”

“hahaha, no, does Silje sound Brazilian?, I'm from Norway, but my family and I come here every summer, that's how I met Victoria.” she said, with a sad smile “she used to love this corner, she said that she loved it being quite away from the noise the tourists made in summer, she hated them you know? Not the tourist but the fact that most of them just came to party and hook up with local girls, I guess this is still her favourite place in the city, I've been seeing her getting drunk on her own every night since she got here.” a tear rolled down her cheek, “she doesn't cry, doesn't speak, she does nothing but drink a vodka bottle every night, and then she goes back home. And I'm here, seeing my best friend killing herself while I know that I can't do anything, knowing that she doesn't want my help. She just want to die, and I don't know why. I feel so useless.” she said breaking down.

I hugged her, don't knowing what to say. In held her close, imagining the feeling of seeing your best friend consuming herself and not being able to do anything.

What could drive a person to do that? Something terrible must have happened to her, and I needed to find out, I needed to help her.

I didn't know anything, just that I had to save her.  

3 meters above heaven (1D story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant