chapter 6

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I felt the sun in my face, I slowly opened my eyes, hoping to see her laying down next to me, curled in my arms like last night, hoping it wasn't a dream, hoping that it was true, that I'd finally got her, that she was mine. And there she was, breathing heavily, her head on my chest, I could feel my heartbeats going faster, and faster with every breath she took.

I kissed her forehead, and she opened her eyes, narrowing them at the sight of the light, she looked at me and smiled. I put my face closer to her and pecked her lips.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning." She said, kissing my lips again, it was a sweet kiss, full of love.

When we parted I looked at her, she was still pale, and she had big black bags under her eyes.

"Are you sure you are feeling ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." She said with a fake smile on her face, she looked so tired, so fragile.

"Ok" I stood up

"Are you leaving?"

"No, I'm only going to make breakfast."

"Oh, I'll come with you." She said sitting up, I could see that she wasn't ok, something was wrong, she seemed so weak, so different from the girl I'd first met at the beach. So different but she still needed help. I knew that, she needed a rock to hold on to, and I wanted to be that rock, I was going to be that rock.

I walked in the kitchen, I opened the cupboard trying to find something to cook, everything seemed to be in a bad state, at the end I found some bread, so I decided to make some toasts, I looked around and found some fruit that surprisingly seemed to be fresh, so while the bread was toasting I made some orange juice, I opened the fridge looking for something that was still edible, I grabbed some eggs and cooked them. 

Once everything was done I opened the cupboard trying to find some clean plates but I couldn't find any, so I had to clean some, I looked around once again and questions started to flood my mind how could everything be so dirty? where were her parents? was she alone? what happened to her that changed everything?

I walked to her bedroom with a tray in my hand I saw she had gone back to sleep so I placed the tray on her night table and sat next to her on her bed. I caressed her cheek I put my face near her ear and whispered softly "Victoria? Breakfast's ready"

Her eyes flickered and she looked at me "thanks" she smiled.

I helped her sat up and placed the tray on her lap. She started eating it really slowly taking small bites and little sips.  We didn't talk while she was eating, but it wasn't an awkward silence I couldn't take me eyes off her, she had relaxed around me, I didn't know why suddenly she seemed so comfortable around my, but I wasn't going to ask her, I knew she'd tell me what was going on when she felt ready, I just hoped that that was soon.

When she finished she put the tray back on the table she looked at me "Thank you Zayn."

"No problem, I thought you needed some energy after last night."

"I meant for everything, for staying here with me last night, for keeping me company for--"

She kept rambling I knew what she meant and I knew she didn't want to say it, so I kissed her. Softly, just short kiss, but enough to make me melt. 

I pulled back and smiled at her I pressed my forehead against her.

I felt her hand on my neck, cold but warming me, sending shiver down my spine, she pulled me into a kiss, more passionate this time, our lips moved in sync, slowly our tongues danced together. She laid down on her bed me with her, never breaking the kiss. Her my hands were now on her hips, caressing her hip bones, her hands made her way down my back. My hands travelled up her body making her shiver.  I broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes they were shining and slowly she nodded. I kissed her again and she kissed me back, as if it was the last kiss of our lives.

Her head was on my chest, I was drawing circles on her naked back, I couldn't help but smile. 



"I love you."

She looked at me, her eyes widened I saw that she was starting to tear up. Wait. Had I done something wrong? Why was she about to cry?

"Z-Zayn I--" Her voice cracked "I have to tell you something."

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