Chapter 2

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When I woke up the next morning I took another shower, because I'm not suppose to go to bed without my pills after a game or I can possibly die, because of me being a neko and born with weak systems, but I repay it with sports and knowledge. I can do any sport you can throw my way and in private school games are sat up to where games in other sports will not ever play at the same time, because I'm also in football the quarterback is just an idiot for not knowing who's on his team I even have to hand him the ball. I've been playing sports since I was first able to run and I would always play with my uncle and father everyday.

I got dressed and went to the kitchen to see my mom finished with breakfast. She put a plate in front of me and I started eating. When we were done we went to the school and I did my homework all the way up until it was time for me to leave so that I can go through the front doors. Today my classes are Weight lifting, English, homeck, and choir. In weight lifting my teacher freaked out, because my arm gave out and my partner was calling her over. My was partner Yolanda Dyck, younger sister of the twin, but nobody knows, and she was screaming for Mrs. Hollman to come over, because she kept on hearing creaking and ripping noises coming from my arm. As soon as Mrs. Hollman came over my arm completely gave out. Her, Yolanda, and another student named Henry Paulson were struggling to get it off of me. When they did I grabbed my arm holding it in pain. Mrs. Hollman made me get up and asked Yolanda to take me to the nurse's office. Yolanda was the only one who knew our family's secret, because her and I have known each other since we were five, so we're really good friends. When I got to the nurse's office, she put me in the bed and the nurse, Nurse Patty closed the curtains around the bed. She made me take off my gym shirt. "You used your shoulder over the limit, it's all purple and swollen. You're going to the hospital." the ambulance came a few minutes later and I climbed in. Patty made Yolanda go, because she was my only friend here at the moment. "Don't worry sweetie I'll let your family know that you're at the hospital.

"Okay," I said and the doors were closed. I drove to the hospital and my whole arm was put in a case due to the ripped muscles and broken bones. If my arm didn't give out when it did my arm would be unusable. "Shit!"

"You're just lucky you didn't lose that arm," Yolanda said.

"I'm giving your teacher a doctor's note saying no weight lifting the days after you have basketball games," My doctor said, doctor Angel Jefferson.

"Okay," I said.

Later on when school would've been over my parents came to the hospital. "Sweetie you should've told us you broke your shoulder," Mother said.

"I'm going to break my shoulder after every game, because I have to throw harder then a boy would," I said.

"She can go, but I'm going to start coming to the games so that I can put it back in place, but there was something else."

"What," Father asked.

"Oh no," I thought.

"Chci did you go to bed without taking your pills," she asked.

"Yes," I said looking down.

"Chci what if you didn't wake back up," Yolanda yelled with her hands on the bed.

"Well I did so it doesn't matter," I said.

"That's not the point, you don't understand how I felt when I heard you were coming to this school," she said in a worried tone.

I'm sorry," I said and started crying. About ten minutes later I got up and we left the hospital in the parking lot we were stopped by the first year twins that were in that host club I found yesterday.

"Oh he's really a girl," they said.

"Please don't tell anyone," I said. "Besides you should've already known since I went by my name not my brothers.

George Freedom YellowWhere stories live. Discover now