Chapter 4

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When I came to I couldn't see anything, but I was lifted up and put over someone's shoulders. This person yanked all the needles out, which made me cry out in pain and blood started pouring down my use to be be good arm. I felt that I still had the wrap on my boobs and all my wounds started bleeding again as the man ran out of the hospital with me in his arms. I started crying like crazy from the amount of blood I was losing. "I'm going to die before you even make it to wherever you're going to take me," I whispered and I felt him put me down. Then I heard a door shut and I felt whatever I was in move. I'm in a van and I'm being kidnapped. Then a memory popped up in my head.


"Remember to never take this collar."

"Why," Shuubi asked me and I showed her my wrist, which had a bracelet on it.

"That bracelet has a wireless connector to it that is only connected to my bracelet. So whenever I need you all I have to do is push this button you can find me and the same thing for you," I said.

"Thank you Chci," she said touching her collar.

"Oh I just love you I hope that one day I can find the other eight of your brothers and sisters," I said hugging her.

Back to the present

"Right," I said in my mind and pushed the button on my bracelet. About five minutes later I heard footsteps and the van stopped.

It was lifted up, "You guys will die for taking my master from me," I heard Shuubi's giant voice and I was lifted up by something warm and hairy. I wrapped my arms around it and I was taken out of the van. She dropped the van and started running to our hometown with me wrapped in her tail. I saw a really bright light and I felt my wounds started healing. After my wounds were healed she started working on my systems by the time she ran out of energy. She sucked and we landed inside the hospital with cuts all over me, because we had crashed through the glass doors. I also had her wrapped in my arms. Then nurses started running over to me and they had me get up. They made me lay down somewhere, but I didn't where, because my eyesight hasn't gotten back quite yet. Shuubi laid on my stomach breathing heavily until she fell asleep. I felt someone touch me and I grabbed their wrist really tightly.

"You're eye sight must be gone, but it's Doctor Angel," I heard and let her go.

"Sorry," I said and my sight started changing so I started blinking rapidly. I stopped my sight was back to normal and my phone rang. "Hello," I said when I answered it.

"Where are you at," Kaleb asked on the other line.

"I was kidnapped and do you remember my per?'"


"I made something to where she can find me when I'm in trouble. So she saved me and I'm at the hospital in our town."

"Oh thank god. We were really worried," he said, "Thomas won't even move right now."

"Just have that hospital send you guys to our hometown hospital," I said

"We are tonight," Kaleb said.

"Okay well see ya!"

"See ya," he said and I hung up.

"Okay well it looks like it's just your arm. I had the last hospital send a report and it kinda got confused don't tell me your brothers back."

"I was poisoned and almost died and he happened to be on a mission in that town."

"Oh," Doctor Angel said as she was putting my bone in place. "You were poisoned, but you also have several new scars."

"I was shot and stabbed," I said and she told me to keep her arm up while she grabbed everything she need to cast it back up.

"Oh! I also see the transformation stretch marks did you finally find you lifetime lover?"

"How do you know what those are from," I asked.

"I'm the only neko doctor in this country."

"Oh that must be hard."

"Only, because I'm teaching other doctors the bodies of Nekos so that we can get a lot more. This way I don't have to constantly travel, because I can hardly take care of myself with all the travel expenses," she said and tied the swung around my neck.


"By the way my students want to see a neko."

"I'll come as long as it's on weekends," I said and got to leave. When I got outside it was already dark and I started walking home while holding Shuubi in my arms.

On the way home I heard a troubled voice inside an alleyway, "Help me!" I put Shuubi on my shoulder and went into the alleyway. After a few steps I saw red eyes and went over to it, because it was really low on the ground and barely open. When I touched it, it was furry, but I also felt a warm liquid. I picked it up and started running home as fast as I can, but I was stopped on the way.

"Ahh it's Chci!" It was a girl from my school.

"Thank god I have the wrap under my clothes on," I thought. "Hey!' I waved. "Sorry I wish I can chat, but I have to get home," I said and started running again after a couple minutes I made it home.

"Thank god you're okay, but Shuubi look exhausted," Father said.

"She had to again," mom asked and I nod.

"I see you found a hurt animal, well then we'll let you do your thing," they said and I ran to my room. I put it down on my table and Shuubi jumped down to go to sleep in her bed. This animal was a fox, it had nine tails, it was orange, it's eyes were blue, and it was small like Shuubi. I wrapped it's wounds and laid it on my bed.

"She's Kyuubi the strongest on the nine of us. Her special skill is removing poison so with her you won't have to ever have a doctor remove a poison," Shuubi said in between breaths and I changed to take the wrap off and laid down next to Kyuubi. I fell asleep not long after.   

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