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hey guys so normally my authors note will be at the end but since this is my first chapter i decided to just talk to you guys :)

[Important: don't hate me but Luke  isnt in the book quite yet but it's a lead up so don't hate me + I hope it'll be good :) I just wanted to say this in case you guys thought it was just gonna be a Michael best friend book but NOPE]

so what i pretty much wanted to say was my name is amanda and i am really excited to write this because i've had this idea for so long. So i'm just gonna jump right into the first chapter. See you soon I love you <3


Emma's P.O.V

So here I stand, sitting on the bathroom floor as all the memories come flooding back to me. The last 2 months have been dreadfully painful from my dad walking out on my family to my mom never being sober. On top of all that shit, school hasnt been much better either. I only have 1 friend, his name is Michael, he has been there since 6th grade. The story of how we met is actually pretty funny.

On our first day of 6th grade we were both considered rejects. My group of friends from the previous year defriended me after they found someone who 'fit their image better than me' but now thinking back on it, im glad it happened because it only led me to meeting michael. Michael was an outcast because he had just moved across the country from Brisbane to Sydney so he didnt know anyone.

At recess that day I saw him sitting alone under a tree and decided to approach him. Now 5 years later and we are practically inseperable. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Michael is probably the only good thing in my life. He always been there for me.

I mean i have a boyfriend but hes really shitty. His name is RJ. The only reason I am still dating him honestly is because im scared of him. I dont know what was going through my head a year ago when i started going out with him. I guess i really just wanted a boyfriend to be honest. I like to blame it on my 16 year old mind because now that im 17 im 'more wiser.'

I look down at my wrists and my eyes start to loose its focus. All I can now see is the glare off the blade and my blood dripping off my wrists and onto the bathroom floor.

As my eyes start to fade out, I hear a faint sound coming from the hallway.

"Emma are you here?" Michael says in a normal tone.

My bathroom door is connected to my room so even if he gets into my room, my bathroom door is locked.

"Emma?" I hear him call out.

I try to answer but im loosing blood too fast. It fells as if im incapable of even making a sound come out.

The last thing I heard was Michael banging on the bathroom door asking, "Emma is everything okay?"

Michael's P.O.V

I arrived at Emmas house and as normal I let myself in. I walk into her living room where she normally hangs out but she wasnt anywhere to be seen. I start yelling throughout the house to see if i was gonna get a response. I know miss. Jones isnt home, she's probably out searching for a job since she lost her spot at the hospital.

"Emma where the hell are you?" I call out

No response

I walkup into her room to see if shes in their. I walk in and see her perfectly made bed and no sight of her. I turn to my right and see her bathroom light is on.

"Emma?" I ask as if it was a question

Once again, no response..

I start banging on the door. But no answer. The worst thoughts begin to rush into my head.

"This cant be happening again. Please no." I say to myself in a whisper.

Tears brim my eyes as so many thoughts of what to do rush into my mind. I remember miss. Jones telling me if this happened again that there is a spare key above the bathroom door to get in. Right as I reach to grab it, I hear a door opening from downstairs.

"Is anyone home?" I hear Miss. Jones call out.

Ive never been so happy to hear Miss. Jones voice in my life. I know she used to be a nurse so she will know what to do. My hands at this point are so shaky that i can barly put the key in the door nob.

Right as i open it, I see Emma passed out on the ground and blood everywhere definitly staining her tile and her clothes.

"Please help!" I scream my voice being very shaky.

I pick Emma up and hold her in both of my arms as I begin to run down the hall way.

"Emma please." I say as if she can hear "please not again."

Once I reach the stairs I make eye contact with miss jones. And hers went wide as well as mine.

Miss Jones is very nice and cares so much about Emma besides her hole drinking problem. You can't really blame her though. We all have our own ways to deal with our problems. Emma had a pretty bad way of dealing with it

"No not again. This can't be happening again. " miss Jones says in a soft tone voice. "Go, quick, get my supplies."

I knew exactly what she was talking about. Right under their main bathroom sink was a bin filled with anything they need in case something like this happens....again

I run back as quick as possible. I don't do sports so I'm already out of breath from carrying her and running to the bathroom.

I see Emma in such a bad state and my eyes begin to fill with tears and I knew staying in here would make them spill out.

"I will just be outside getting some air. I'll be back in a minute." I say to Miss Jones but i don't think she heard me. She's so focused on stopping her cuts to continue bleeding

I go back to the porch and everytime this happens I always somehow find a way to blame myself for this. I don't know why. It's kind of instinctive.

How can this keep happening. Everytime she says it won't happen again, it happens again. The last time this happened was last year when she began failing school. I can't believe I let this happen again.


I'm sorry this was kind of boring but things will get food soon trust me :). I'm sorry if this didn't make sense or even if it is all not grammatically correct. It's really late
But it will get good soon *HINT LUKE HEMMINGS COMING IN*
-I'm trying to get him to come in the story as soon as possible. It's just that it's a long process that I'm trying to shorten a lot.

Tell me if you liked  this chapter.
(It wasn't good Oml)

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