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Cringe alert

Emma's POV

It's been a week since the 'incident' I guess you can call it. Throughout that time span, I have done my best to avoid Luke or anyone at all precautions. That means avoiding them in class, not catching a ride with them for school, not answering and texts or calls. I feel as if I see them, I am forced to open up to them and I don't know how they will react if they find out about who I really am.

When I found out about Luke and his issues, I felt empathy towards him, and that's the last I would want anyone to feel towards me. I don't deserve there empathy. I honestly don't deserve anything.

It's currently 3rd period and I am sat in chemistry class bored out of my mind. For once in my life, I am grateful to not have Calum nor Luke in my class. The person that I actually knew was Nick who apparently is friends with Calum and Luke but I haven't talked to him since my first day when I kind of rammed into him.

The bell rings signaling it was now lunch time. The past week I have spent my lunch in the janitors closet. Yes you can call me weird, geeky, antisocial, whatever you want; but it honestly isn't band. I figured out that our lunch is timed with janitors Petes break therefor I can spent my hole lunch period I there if I wanted to. And trust me, I definitely took up on that opportunity.

15 minutes into lunch the door yanks open only to reveal a couple shoving there tongues down each other's couch. I decide to try and get them to notice my existence by coughing ahem.

That obviously didn't work.

"Um, excuse me but do you mind if you take this somewhere else?"

They both scoff as they pull away from each other. The tall boy walks over to me, completely towering over me due to my seated position on a bucket.

"Excuse me, but do you mind finding somewhere else to go? Thank you."  I roll my eyes as I put my earbuds in and walk out purposely ramming into the guys shoulder.

I stand dead I the center of the hall way contemplating where to go. I hear quiet murmurs in the hall way so I turn my earbuds up to the highest volume so I don't have to listen to the outside world which I dread dearly.

I begin making my way down the east hall of the school trying to reach the library where I hope nobody is occupying.

I didn't take notice in the tall lanky boy running behind me until I am ripped by shoulder back until I am faced by a familiar face that I don't want to be faced with. Once I make eye contact with the ocean colored eyes, my sight immediately drops down to the ground.

You don't deserve empathy
You don't deserve friends
Don't drag him down with you

Thoughts rush through my head. I swiftly turn around in one motion trying to hurry away in one motion to ignore this situation but Luke restricts my movements by holding on to my wrists and turning me back around into our previous position. My gaze immediately drop downs to the floor but I can sense his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.

"Emma," he pauses to move my chin up so my head is looking up at him. "I don't like it when you ignore me." Even though he is holding my head up to face him, I refuse to make eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry." I say with empathy.

"You don't need to be." Luke says reassuringly.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I keep saying on repeat. I probably screwed up his life. I need to leave it now before I cause more damage. I try to wiggle out of his grasp but his huge ass hands restrict me.

"Emma's, shit the hell up."

"No you don't understand Luke, I'm sorry. Not only for ignoring you, but for everything. I probably ruined your life by having to put up with mine. I'm sorry that i am such a destructive person. I try so hard to change it but it never happens. Luke, I'm sorry for making you see me like that last week. I'm sorry for making you feel like shit when I ignored you. I'm sorry-"

"Em, please stop stalking."

He lets go of my wrists only to pull me into a hug. His firm arms make there way over upper body as mine make my way around his torso. I felt like crying. I felt like balling my eyes out right then in there, but I wouldn't allow myself to. I would not allow myself to make someone else spend there time 'comforting' me when they could be doing much better things in their life.

I whisper one last "I'm sorry" in his chest before letting out a shaky breath.


After Luke and my encounter during our lunch period, we made small talk but nothing normal. I feel bad for him. He's absolutely clueless. He has no idea what has happened or any reasons for it. I need to explain to everything to him. He deserves to know. He was the one who was there when I had a panic attack, he was the one who noticed the blood on my head. Even though he doesn't know the details about my life back home, he's bound to find out and I will tell him,
a couple days
Maybe a few weeks
Or when I feel like it
Or when he finds something else out
Okay maybe not that soon....


This chapter dedication/ shoutout goes to CUTE9258
-she has been an active follower ever since I started this book and is constantly interacting with me.
-I read one of her books which as of 2/7/2017 is not up at the moment but I enjoyed it and it was called 'someone like him' please give it a read

•IF YOU WANT A S/O, make sure you follow her or read her works and comment when done for a better chance.

{sorry this is short, I wanted to get stuff up.}


/ a m a n d a

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