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This is short and sucks but like double UPDATE!!!!!

Emma's POV

He knows

I can't comprehend what is going on or what the hell is happening. Is Luke hiding something from me? Is he okay? What the hell is going on?

After I don't hear Luke anymore, I slowly make my way out of the classroom. I have to attempt to find my way to my locker but that didn't end well. You'd think for a Highschool that it would be easy to navigate where a fricken locker is, but it isn't that easy.

I tried following all the lockers until I reached my locker number, but once a section ended, it was cut off by classroom and I couldn't find the hall where my locker was located.

I feel like an actual retard right now.

The though struck my head and made my heart beat that much faster when I realized that I don't have a ride. I got so caught up in the choir room, that i didn't realize that everyone had already exited the school. Most of the school was empty accept for some couples making out and some random roamers.

I eventually gave up and went out the nearest exit. I look at my home and see no texts from Calum. I feel like that kinda indicates that he forgot about me too.

I go into the maps app on my phone and put in my address. I plug in my headphones and shuffle my playlist starting with drown by Bring Me The Horizon. I'm kinda happy that we are in California for the fact that it's sunny and not down pouring. That would suck.

I walk down the long road and then make a left down another long street. A long 45 minutes later after me getting lost, taking a break, and tripping multiple times, I finally made it home.

I tug out my headphones and flop on the couch with my head straight into a pillow. My feet was aching and so was my brain from overthinking.

I hear a light knock on the door. I really didn't care who they were, if they really needed to come in, it was unlocked.

I hear the door open.

"Emma?" It was Calum.

"Ugh, what Calum?" I really wasn't in the mood for any social interactions.

"Are you okay?" Calum had a bit of confusion and worry in his voice.

"I'm tired and don't feel like talking." I never looked up at him. I only muffled through the pillow.

Calum took this chance to lie on top of me clamping on to my fording and wrapping his legs around my waist and legs. "How was your first day?" Calum asks. I feel like I rolled my eyes to the back of my head. School was terrible. Everyone practically hated me. What happened to not judging a book by its cover?

"Calum stop talking." I muffle into the pillow. We stayed quite for a few minutes until he broke the silence... once again.

"I'm guessing not good?" He asks with question in his voice. "I told you to shut up."

"But Emmma..." he over exaggerated the ma in my name. "I want to know what's wrong."

"It's not worth talking about. can you leave me alone right now? You can come back later if you bring pizza."

I feel Calum climb off of me. "Done deal." With that Calum got up and left. Finally silence at last. I tried it to fall asleep but that never ends up well.

Whenever i try to sleep, it's as if my thoughts go into overdrive and everything that I can possibly worry about floods my mind. It's like my eyes are close but there's no way in hell that i can fall asleep.

I lay down, still with my head in the pillow, and just think. Think about my life, my cuts, Luke, Calum, school, and what that guy was talking to Luke about.

Time passes and I force myself to get up. I go into my room and throw on sweatpants and a Nirvana shirt. I put on my high top black converse and head out the door. I started walked, even though I literally don't know where I am going.

You never know what life is going to bring you, but you will never know unless you actually put yourself out there.


It's also my birthday so like I felt like updating :)


Something Like Us ♔Luke Hemmings♔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя