Meeting and Coffee (Chap. 6)

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I haven't been this happy in a while, ever since talking to Ashton I have been happier. The thing is I'm usually not happy, I guess it just depends on the day. That is why I love 5sos so much they have helped me through a lot. Talking to Ashton was like a dream come true for me and I couldn't believe something like this was happening to me.

I checked my phone like I usually do and saw I had a text from Ashton already. 

From Ashton: Good morning! How are you today?

To Ashton: Good Morning to you too! I'm ok, what about you?

From Ashton: Only ok? What's wrong? I'm good.

To Ashton: I'm ok, thank you for caring. 

From Ashton: Ok just want to make sure. :) On the other hand we got back to Australia today!

To Ashton: Awesome! I'm glad you had a good time on tour! I also live in Australia!  :D 

From Ashton:  Yeah it was a great tour! We should totally hang out!

To Ashton: Sure! I'm not very busy today so I would love too.

From Ashton: Ok, I'm so excited to finally meet you again. 

To Ashton: Yeah, me too! Just tell me where you want to meet! :3

Ashton and I decided to meet up at the coffee shop I worked at just because it's usually not crowded. I was so excited to talk to Ashton, I can't believe he just wants to talk to a common girl like me. I decide to get ready to go hang out with Ashton. I put my blue braid into a braid and put on a plaid skirt and a band shirt. I would take my camera because I'm a youtuber, but I decide not too. I think that might weird Ashton out, I also don't any fans to crowd him. I will just make a regular video instead of a vlog this week, for my video. I grab my keys and head to the coffee shop to meet Ashton, and I was getting a little nervous and excited. 

Ashton's POV

I'm so excited to meet Alex, I didn't think of her as just another fan she seemed so different. I walked towards the coffee shop and sat down at a table. A few moments later Alex walks up to the table and I look at her with a smile. 

"Hi Alex" Wow she is so pretty, I don't really talk to fans but she seemed like someone really cool and relatable. "Hi, Ashton! Wow it's so nice to finally see you" "I know right, its fun to finally see you in person" 

Alex and I talked for a while and when I looked outside it was dark. Wow, time flies I have learned so much about her. She is so kind and just has a beautiful personality. I really wish she didn't have to go, so I thought of something. "Do you want to go back to my apartment and watch a movie?" "Sure I would love too. Hope you don't mind but the rest of the guys might come over" "That's ok. Are you sure I wouldn't be intruding on anything?" No of course not it will be fun!"

Alex's POV

I was beginning to fell happier now. Ashton has made me feel happier even before I met him. Their band has really helped me with things and meeting Ashton is making everything better. We were walking back to his house and I was being to feel a little anxious, just because I was going some place new, and there will be people I don't know even though I do kind of know them.

I think Ashton could just as I started to get really quiet on the ride to his house. "Hey, are you alright." "Oh, yeah I'm good don't worry" "Ok, just let me know if you need anything"

I have had anxiety for a while and not many people know, only my best friend Dodie. I was starting to have trouble breathing now. I felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack. I just get so nervous about going some place new and meeting new people. I'm surprised this didn't happen when I went to meet Ashton. I guess it's because I knew him better and talked to him, I know we just met, but I feel very safe around hi . I tried to stay calm but I start to get increasingly more anxious. Ashton pulls into his driveway and can tell something is wrong. 

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