Isaac Lahey - Can I Try Something?

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You were currently lay in bed at your home watching an action movie on Netflix alone. Your mom was currently at work and your dad was in bed from working all day so you had to be quiet. The movie had just gotten interesting, which is why you groaned when there was a light tap on the window repeating itself. The tapping got so irritating after the seventh one that it caused you to go and open your window. You looked down to the floor to see your chemistry partner, Isaac, stood with rocks in his hand. You shit him a confused look before he dropped the rocks and pointed to the front door. You immediately ran downstairs to open the door to him. You did have a crush on him so letting him in your house at night wasn't even going to be questioned. 

"Hey." You whispered to him as you opened the door. 

"Hey, can I come in?" He whispered back. You replied by nodding silently and moving to the side to let him you. You closed the door and re-locked it after he walked in and led him to your bedroom. 

"So, what's up?" You smiled him while putting on a long, loose cardigan after realising how little you were wearing. Now currently standing in pyjama shorts, loose cropped cami and the cardigan, you decided to push him to answer you. You did this by siting down next to him on your bed and looking at him with raised eyebrows. 

"Um, my dad--he uh, he drank tonight." The curly haired boy confessed to you. He had told you about his dad before once when you were helping him clean up his wounds. He admitted to you that you were the first person he had told, you didn't like the fact that he got abused so you told him that he could always come to you, no matter the time.

"Look, you can stay here tonight." You spoke to him seriously, you didn't want him to get harmed, you knew what his dad was like when he was drunk. 

"Really?" He spun his head round at you surprised, he must not have thought you were being serious when you told him you would always help him. 

"Yeah, of course! I've told you before that is be here for you, and if that means you being safe by sleeping here tonight, then you're sleeping here." You rubbed his arm in attempt to comfort him. He looked in your eyes and pulled him mouth in a straight line. 

"Thank you, Y/N." He spoke. Things were silent for a moment before you decided to speak up. 

"Through that door is my en-suite that contains a luxurious shower that I'm sure you'd love to have right now. It's only nine thirty pm so I'll go and get you some towels." You stood up and walked out the room to retrieve some towels that were promised as well as other things like spare toothbrush. As you walked back in, your eyes grazed over a shirtless Isaac standing there innocently, not knowing the major impact he had on you. 

"Here are your towels and some men's shampoo since I don't think you'd want to use mine." You laughed handing the boy his things, you couldn't keep your eyes from travelling down to his chest at you spoke. 

"Thank you, I won't be long." Isaac smirked at you, knowing you were checking him out.


"You feeling any better?" You looked up at Isaac who stood in his sweatpants at the foot of your bed. He had just got out of the shower and was shirtless, again. 

"Your right, the shower was luxurious." He laughed rubbing his beautiful curls with the towel. 

"I'm always right, Lahey." You glanced at him from the book you were currently reading and pushing up your glasses.  

"So, am I sleeping here?" Isaac pointed at the  couch in the corner of your room. You looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, why would he want to sleep there?

"Um, I was kind of under the impression that you would want to sleep in my comfortable king size bed. But if you want to sleep on that uncomfortable couch all night then go right ahead." You scoffed a little, your eyes never left the book that was held in your hand. 

"Uh, I mean-yeah. Okay." You heard the amount of nerves that were radiating through his voice as the bed dipped beside you. You turned the page of your book as silence grew around you both. It wasn't awkward but it was comfortable. Out the corner of your eye, you saw Isaac looking over your tanned legs that were stretched out. He reached over and grabbed the book from your hands, shutting it without the bookmark. 

"Hey, I was reading that!" You scowled at his ignorant actions. 

"I didn't know you wore glasses." He smiled at how angry you were. 

"Yeah, I wear contacts in the day. Anyway, that's irrelevant. You've made me lose my place." You folded your arms in anger. The smile that was in his face just grew wider. 

"Can I try something?" He asked, again ignoring what you had previously said. 

"Yeah?" You answered as a question, you didn't know what he was going to try or if it was going to be good or bad. He slowly reached over and slid your glasses of your face. He then reached his hand over again and brushed away the hair that had fallen in his face. His eyes were flickering from your eyes to your lips, deciding what to do. You could tell that his mind was racing about all the different directions that this could go. He wouldn't make up his mind so you made it up for him. You grabbed the hand that was placed in your cheek and moved it down to your waist. Your hand grabbed both of his cheeks, cupping them, and pulling his face closer to yours. Your lips where hovering over his as your foreheads pressed each other. Your lips were running against his, both with open mouths and heavy breathing, as you climbed on to him, straddling him. You finally pushed your lips together, placing a cautious kiss on his lips. When people say the feel fireworks flying, well you didn't. Nothing like that at all, you felt like a bomb went off in your stomach, exploding lust and magic inside of you. Isaac then deepened the kiss with his hands still in your waist, but that wasn't good enough. You grabbed his hands and slid them down to your behind wanting his to touch you. His tongue dominated yours but happily accepted that. You placed your left hand flat in his bare chest while using your right hand to tug at the hairs in the back in his head. He pulled back to look at you seriously for a moment.

"Is this your first time?" Isaac asks you. Your fingers and lightly tickling the back of his neck, waiting to tug at his curls again. 

"No. Is it yours?" You ask him and he looks down at what he can see if his lap. You grabbed his cheeks once more and pulled him in for a lingering kiss. 

"Only if you want to." You whisper to him. He replies with a hungry kiss making you want more.

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