Derek Hale - Let Me Help

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Requested by JordanJohnsonTate


This was it, you have had enough of arguing with him all day. All day, he had been refusing to let you help him fight the Alpha pack, its not like you weren't a werwolf. Earlier this morning when you had returned to his loft, Deucalion had left his pack symbol on his window to let him know they are coming, and from there on out there had been an argument going on between the both of you. In your opinion, you wanted to help protect your boyfrind like he had protected you, but in his mind, you where just willingly putting your life in the hands of a murderous werewolf.

"Derek! I need to help you, you do not understand the guilt I would feel if I knew that got hurt while I was doing what? Reading a book? Or-or maybe even baking a 'get well soon' cake." You yelled while he was pacing back and forth in front of you.

He stops dead to look at you in the eyes. Since you where sat on his bed, he was looking down at you. "Do you not understand the guilt I would feel if I let you die for me? And don't be stupid, you can't bake."

You scoffed at his reply. "Are you really bothered wether I can bake a cake or not right now? You are unbelievable, you know that? Right?"

"I'm unbelievable? I'm not the one who is deciding that they want to die! I need you out of my way so I can prepare." Derek slammed his fist on the table for effect.

Your head slowly shakes back and forth. Shocked by what he just said, you decided to give him what he wanted. "You want me gone? Fine. But I hope that if you die, you can come back and haunt my ass. just so you can see how upset I am." You stormed out of the loft, slamming the door as hard as you could.


It was the next day and you had been in the gym for about 3 hours now. You always did this to blow off some steam, it was also good for your strength as a werewolf to help you fight. As you head out of the door, you see Derek leaning on the hood of your car. You decided that it was still to soon after the argument to talk to him so you tried to doge him, only for him to move quickly and stand in front of you door.

"What?" You spat.

He let out a huff and slumped slightly. "I'm sorry. I realised that the reason you want to protect me the way I want to protect you is because we both have the same reason to." The werewolf stops and and waits for you to reply, however, you just raised your eyebrows. "Anyway, the reason is because we love each other, and if i lost you, i would physically die. Just like you would if i died."

"You have a point." You reply dumping your bag on the floor.

"I came here to apologies because I can't live without you." He wraps his arms around your waist as he takes a deep breath. "You are not gonna stay mad at me forever, are you?"

"Of course not." You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a deep kiss. You where happy that he let you finally help him out, something that he had refused to let you do since the moment you met him.

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