Cody Christian - Hot Piece Of Ass

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You where on the red carpet with your cast, the cast of Teen Wolf. And you where doing interviews in lines and meeting fans, taking pictures and signing autographs. You where with an interviewer named Cheryl and she was in the middle of asking questions. 

"We all know and are devastated about teen wolf ending after the next season that is starting filming soon. What is next for you after Teen Wolf?" Cheryl asks me, placing the microphone in front of my face. 

"I know! I've had such a great time filming, you know? Four years of my life, that's such a long time. As for after Teen Wolf, I'm not sure what's ahead for me. I don't know if I want to go into movies or stay in television, but I know that acting is always gonna be there because it's always what I've wanted to do." You explain to her. Your agent then tells you you have to move along. You walk along and see your boyfriend, Cody, being interviewed. You decided to walk over and join in the interview. 

"Well, your looking good tonight Cody!" The interviewer tell him. 

"Yeah, he's a hot piece of ass!" You laugh standing next to him. He starts to laugh and turn around embarrassed (GIF). He stands back next to you and wraps a hand around your waist. 

"You both are so cute together! You both met on set, right?" The male interviewer asks. 

"Yeah, yeah we met on the set on Teen Wolf. She actually asked me out after, like, my second day on set." Cody spills all. 

"Well, yeah. But your where basically attached to me by the hip. You where always in my trailer with me." You laughed. 

"Well, you'd already been on the set for three years so I needed you for advice!" He bantered back. We both did that a lot, even in front of the cameras. 

"Don't sugar coat anything. You thought I was cute!" You snag a little, teasing him. The interviewer just stood entertained while holding the mic up to us. 

"Beautiful, actually. And I never had the balls to ask you out, so I'm glad you asked me." He smiled kissing your cheek. 

"So you've both been together for almost a year now. Y/N, Cody's character had been killed off the show after one season. How is your relationship going to handle not being together everyday?" The male with the mic asks another question. 

"Our relationship is strong, so not being on the same set all the time is not going to change that. Even when we where on the same set everyday, we didn't see each other everyday. Sometimes one of us would go home early as out scenes would be done for the day, or we would just not have the same break times. We love each other so I don't think any thing is gonna change that." You spoke truthfully. 

"Cody, do you agree?" He asks. 

"Totally. I mean, like she said, we love each other and me not being on set can change that. Just because we met on set, does not mean that our relationship revolves around it. We will spend time with each other when we're both not working. And I'm sure I'll be able to visit her on set when I can." Cody agreed with me while I nodded as he was talking, the smile on my face just growing wider as he talks. 

"Look at that smile! It must be love when he can make you smile that like with a few simple words!" The interviewer points to my smile. 

"I do love him, he is such a gentleman to me. Any girl that you ask wants a gentleman and I have mine." You pat your hand on Cody's chest. The agent then comes and tell us that we have to move along from our current interview.

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