Stiles Stilinski - I Need You

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Since your dad had left, your mom has just spiralled into a bottomless pit of depression. Your dad had cheated with your neighbour and decided to move away together, abandoning you and your mom. You had two jobs to be able to keep you both alive since your mom just lives in her sheets, getting up occasionally for a shower. Your roles had basically switched. So right now, you had just returned home from the store, you had finally gotten your pay check so you could buy some food. As you walked up to your front door, you heard lots of noise coming from inside that caused concern. You quickly ran in through the door, dropping the bags at the door, and headed upstairs to your moms room. 

"Mom! Mom, hey. Stop!" You yelled at her, pulling the hammer from her hands. She was having a breakdown, smashing down the walls of her closet. 

"What the hell are you doing?" You yell again. She fell to the floor, her back sliding down the wall as she put her head in her hands. 

"I wanted to make my room bigger." She whispered. There was now huge holes in her closet wall. How the hell was you going to fix that?

"Why? What was the point of this, mom?" You walk over to her in distress. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm such a mess, that's why he left us." Your mom sobbed. 

"Come on. Let's take you to bed." You spoke softly, feeling bad for yelling at her.


Your mom was now in bed and you was in your room, phone in hand. Having to juggle school, two jobs and the supernatural was taking a massive toll on you, so you clicked on the contact in your phone that you wanted to talk to right now. Stiles. 

"Hey, Y/N." Your friend answered the phone happily. 

"Can I stay at yours tonight?" You blurred out quickly. 

"Yeah. Yeah, sure. What's wrong?" His voice had changed due to your mood. 

"I'll tell you later." You promised. Stiles said that he would come and pick you up straight away.


You heard the noisy jeep pull up outside, so you pick up your bag and run down the stairs and out the door, making sure your mom was okay first. As soon as you opened the door and see Stiles waiting for you, everything gets too much. The tears fall to the ground, as does your bag. Stiles runs over to you and wraps his long arm around your waist as your snakes round his neck. 

"I need you, Stiles. I can't handle all this." You sobbed into his shoulder. 

"Let's go to mine." He picks your bag up off the floor and grabbed your hand, leading you to the jeep.


After you had gotten to Stiles', you learned that his dad, who was the sheriff, was working late tonight down at the station. You had both gotten into his bed and was now lay there facing each other. You took in all of his features. His brown eyes that draw you in like a drug, the perfectly placed miles scattered on his face and neck, his plump lips that look so delicious. You soon realised that he was now looking into your eyes as well, doing just the same as you was. 

"Y/N." Stiles whispered from beside you. 

"Yeah?" You whispers back. 

"I really want to kiss you right now."

"Well then why don't you?"

"Because your vulnerable. You're in a place right now where you need help and support, not just affection." As he said this, you realised that you had been in love with him for so long, but like everyone said, 'you where too Lydia to see it'. You leaned in slowly and left a light kiss on his lips. 

"Thank you, Stiles." He smile in response. You turned over on your left side and Stiles pulled you closer to his chest, his arm wrapped around your waist. Just as you started to drift off to sleep, Stiles spoke up. 

"Uh, Y/N? I usually don't have girls in my bed, I mean your the first. I usually sleep in the middle." He confesses. 

"Stiles, you are in the middle?" You say in question. 

"Which brings me to my next point, my arms is dead." You take his arm from around you and move over to the left side of the bed as he moved to the right. After a few moments of silence, you heard a huff from Stiles. 

"I swear to god, Stiles!" You groaned. 

"Can I-can I try something?" He asked as you turned over to face him and nod. He grabbed your hand and flips over himself, resulting in you being the big spoon and him being the little spoon. 

"I-is this okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I like this." You smiled, quickly falling asleep feeling comfort within Stiles.

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