Dylan Sprayberry - Don't Cry

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Dylan when he surprises you at a photo shoot.

You where doing a photo shoot for a magazine article. You had always done modelling so you where used to this, it had been your career for two years now. You had asked your boyfriend Dylan to be there, but he was currently out of the state filming. You hadn't seen Dylan in over three months and was hoping you would be able to be here so you could hang out in between takes. 

"Okay, Y/N. Just a couple more shots...And where done!" The photographer spoke. You where glad that after three outfit changes that you could go home. 

"Woo! That's a wrap guys!" You clapped with everyone else. 

"Hey, come and look at these shots." Some important guy told you. You walked over and what you saw in the screen shocked you. Behind you in a photo was Dylan.

"What?" You whispered, not believing what You had seen. He was supposed to be out of the state you thought to yourself. You turned around to see him standing there, grinning. You started to cry, tears running down your face. Dylan just smiled and laughed a little (GIF) at you reaction. You ran over to him and hugged him tightly. The tears still running from happiness as you clung to him. 

"Oh, my god!" You whispered, releasing his a little. 

"Don't cry." He wiped a tear from your cheek. 

"I'm so happy! You're not supposed to be here!" You hugged him again. You had missed him so much these last three months. Only being able to see him through video chat was unbearable. Some might say you are stupid because you've been together for a year and your both only 18, but you loved him. So much. 

"I love you baby." He whispered. 

"I love you too. I'm so happy your here." You admit, finally stopping the tears from falling.

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